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04/20/17 7:54 PM

#114204 RE: iateclube #114195

Actually the share price has been on a steady incline since Li got in back in March 2016.

I am up over 150 percent right now.

All the volatility happened before Li.

So your point about volatility really is obsolete regarding liquidmetals affairs since March 2016.

Maybe your looking at the wrong charts.


04/20/17 10:59 PM

#114216 RE: iateclube #114195

now 800 million outstanding shares on a path to over a billion on a penny stock
- no booked contracts of significance
- accumulated losses of $236 million
- Apple's right of first refusal
- Uncertainty about Li's end game, and whether it really guarantees paying LQMT outside holders
- Silence until September, and even then, silence may continue for 'budgetary reasons', why spend his money on informing us.


Finally, someone whose head is not up ...... in the clouds. I too believe that Li's end game has to be clear until we can trust that this is not another wash, rinse and repeat.

I haven't sold any of my holdings but I sure as hell HOPE that I'm not around if it is discovered that our savior is not really on "our side". Will never understand how some folks think that they are going to hit the "big one" just like in the movies or a news article announcing the guy who just won the lottery.

Mr. Bond has probably made a lot of money taking advantage of gullibility ... that is more compelling than dreams of "rocketing share prices" absent any tangible data. Reminds me of some other suckers who have recently been taken on a ride.


04/21/17 12:39 AM

#114219 RE: iateclube #114195

How do you protect yourself in a situation like this? Play with house money. Get to a zero cost basis and laugh your way through it. All that requires is volatility in the share price, and typically there has been plenty of that.

No, I am NOT going to sell half my shares and miss out Bigly, i'm not here to 'play', i'm here to win.
And no, you ain't getting my shares for 16 cents.