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04/20/17 5:48 AM

#66178 RE: jdwintx #66172

Then it is probably not wise to trade in micros because he is in fact taking action. Good, Bad, or mediocre; He is still making movies with known actors that are being sold in the public market place and display the MHYS badge in the credits. So first, I fail to see how that is not acting in the interest of shareholders; second, if someone is beat to the ground by a thug with a baseball bat(which is essentially what took place here by toxic lenders on a financial level), how can anyone expect or demand that individual to just jump to their feet and run a 50 yard dash to win; and be furious if they don't? The "real" problem here isn't a lack of filings, or lack of company updates; both of which cost valuable resources to maintain. The real problem and parasitic virus here is all the convertible debt that is still on the books. The CEO has made it clear that he is aware of it, the impact that it has made on the share structure thus far and his intentions to address it. So I would ask; apart from giving the leaches and bed bugs(toxic lenders and share flippers) more blood to suck, of what value are PRs and filings to current holders/investors, at least until toxic debt is off the books and all they have to contend with are the flippers; if all it accomplishes is EVEN MORE dilution? So second, I still fail to see how spending additional time and money to give toxic lenders MORE opportunity to further fleece the company's and shareholders' equity is in the company's or current shareholders' best interest, until the Goliath in the room has been slain. Please enlighten us.

And as always, thanks for keeping the Ibox up to date with irrelevant, out of context and even some flat out false information. Every little bit helps here. For example... Everyone should be well informed about an indictment against a few fraudsters that MHYS had nothing to do with but was dragged into it by a handful of incompetent rogue SEC investigators in an illicit attempt to bolster their case against the real fraudster; and pretty much stated as such by a judge overseeing a different case against the same fraudster. And really really extra really need to know gross earnings numbers from 2 websites that are likely years from being up to date with accurate numbers, especially since they don't actually even track anything but instead rely on a plethora of unrelated companies to update their data base. And even way far absolutely more critically important than that(matter of fact that heading should actually have asterisks and be flashing), is that the CEO is only promoting non MHYS movies on a website that is primarily designed as a resume portfolio of previous work experience; of which no one looking for a movie to watch has a chance of even stumbling across let alone promoted; unless of course they are specifically looking for specific old films made by Daniel Grodnik, at which point they more than likely already know what they are looking for, and don't really need them to have them be promoted to their interest. And number of seconds since since last bid is so super duper extra ultra extremely exceedingly excessively immensely especially exceptionally more important, and because of that, I included a link to keep it from getting washed under in all the hype generated here: number of seconds since last bid for MHYS