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Congratulations Mr G on your April 3 Event
Shytoshi . Is that spelled correctly?
Nothing to wait for, the company no longer exists and all money left by those that weren't smart enough to get out when they had the chance is gone. The end. There is just no reason to continue to embarrass yourself with false hope. Move on, first learn how the market actually works and once learned, then invest again. GLTY!!
We're waiting...
ZERO evidence. Go home, it's BEEN over.
Who owns them? Seriously? The people who produced the films were paid meaning Grodnik of course (never made it to shareholders), as were the actors, etc. The money was and is distributed according to the payment schedule. As for the old MHYS, that money distribution is going to Daniel Grodnik or whichever company he claims to own or work for this week. But even that is trivial. Look at the original contracts and percentages to be paid. Next look at the requirement that the films must first be profitable at a certain rate before even Grod makes a penny. And lastly look at the movie financial sites. I used to have links to each, so if you're really curious look at some of those old posts. They are still valid and still show the movies LOST money, didn't make any. Hope that helps, sorry for your loss if you didn't get out before delisting.
What about the movies that were produced. Those products still exist and are still selling everyday. Who owns them?
Good grief. New year and new excitement about a turd ticker that was a fraud since the beginning? MHYS has been dead for years. Can’t be traded. Grod took everyone’s $$$ and ran off to new create new ventures to suck up more cash from rubes.
You would probably be better off suing him. Problem is the line is probably pretty long. But if you wait long enough, and he has anything left, who knows you might get 0000000001 for every 1 Million shares with some luck!! Currently his reputation is listed at just over a 1 on a scale of 1 to 5.
Pretty interesting information for anyone that wants to know the truth and takes the time to actually look at real information.
Glad to help and GLTY!!
Hey moviegoer IMO the only way to get MHYS up and going is for Mr. G to personally come on this board and explain what's going on with MHYS and show that this stock is still in existence
The company is out of business and delisted. See and type in MHYS. It returns nothing because there is no company or ticker. You show shares because you have yet to declare the loss with your broker. Activity is due to one or two inexperienced traders refusing to accept reality and continuing to post about a revival although that is not legally possible. The ticker and company no longer exist. GLTY
Kind of baffled here. Can anyone help me out? On my TD account,it says I have 4500 shares of this. Yet it is all scratch. I had to google the number to find out what it even was. If this is dead,why is there still so much activity on it here in ihub???
That's pure BS. No such thing exists. DELISTED Companies don't come back. Go back to class and stop embarrassing yourself. Good Grief!!
lol I'm just getting out of Kindergarden so bear with me
IMO If you pay attention to the Movie Industry today you will see Mr G's fingerprint every where. At least his dreams being fulfilled. I think he may revive MHYS by filing all of the missing Q's. Remember he voluntarily delisted and was given the option to relist upon submitting updated filings
I really do hate to break the news to you but someone has to do it. You can't sell MHYS at any price to anyone, EVER!! It's impossible and even illegal. because MHYS no longer exists. It was DELISTED by the SEC. The Ticker symbol isn't even valid anymore, no broker (not even grey market) buys or sells it. Every penny ever invested in MHYS is GONE and it's a simple FACT that it's not coming back. Please do some research, contact the SEC or FINRA if you can't find it yourself. But for goodness sake, DON'T trade anymore until you learn how the market works. GLTY in the future.
Sounds crazy? No IS Crazy. Tickers do not come back from Delisting. There's your first research assignment. Try it this time. Knowledge is important, especially when it comes to money. LOL
IMHO HOLD ON, DO NOT SELL YET. Mr. G choose to temporarily delist. Be patient a little while longer. Remember the INTERACTIVE APP has many uses over several industries from Gaming, Military, Movies, Education, Shipping, Auto self-driving, Etc Etc Etc. IMHO we are golden, zip code changer especially with SPAC! MHY$$$$$$$$$$$$
Thanks JD... but i think we're going to be okay as crazy as that may sound. GO MHYS$$$$
Sorry for your loss with this POS by the way. Next time, do some research and/or pay attention to those that really do dig deep and provide REAL information. But by all means don't ever fall for a pump again. GLTY in future trades
I wonder how many companies are now owned by MHYS? I remember Mr. G saying that he was going to do deals and would not let us know until afterward because it might mess up the deals. I wonder what is the value of the "INTERACTIVE APP"?
Are you nuts? You can't buy stock that doesn't exist. Forget Community College, try first grade. Good Grief
Hey Moviegoer tell Mr G to purchase LIONSGATE and create a SPAC and get this company going lol
lol I finished class lol What's going on with MHYS? Check recent posts
Hey E... whats going on with MHYS? You seem to always be enlightened. Read the recent posts
I never stop believing in MHYS! LET'S GO MHYS$$$$$$$$$$
lol I'm surprised JD...and Ed...havn't responded yet. They're a host of people waiting for some type of positive news on MHYS including myself. If Mr G would simply let us know what's going on with the company it would be great news and greatly appreciated. That alone would get this board going GO MHYS$$$$$
I've never given up on MHYS. Mr G stated that we had to have didn't know it would be years of patience lol I think I understand the why. Go MHYS$$$$$. MOVIEGOER get it back on track! Let's go!
fixthehouse, jdwintx, erehdogmai -- You guys have always shown interest in MHYS. Are any of you interested in adding your expertise to help bring MHYS back to life?
Is anybody interested in helping bring this company back to health? If so, together let's discuss a plan to reinvigorate it.
Who says this is coming back? Name anyone. Anywhere. Time to accept reality. This SCAM died when the ticker was DELISTED. Talk to those that tricked traders into believing this had a chance when it first crashed in 2015, cause the money is GONE FOREVER just as I said way back then when I told people to GET OUT when they still had a chance. I tried to help but instead some followed traderinvestor who is no longer even on IHUB. Time to wake up. No need for further embarrassment. Community Colleges now offer Investment Classes if needed to understand bare basics. GLTY but don't throw your money away again before actually learning how to trade.
Sleep? This fraud is dead. Grod killed MHYS off years ago....
Will this be the Year Mr. G revive the "sleeping King" or will he let it sleep? The world keeps moving as usual. Dreamers keep dreaming. Are the lights on ? lol Some say they're on.
LOL. Nothing related to MHYS??? Grod and his limitless supply of shells to scam the public??
What's this I'm hearing about DANIEL GRODNIK PRODUCTIONS?
Company is out of business COMPLETELY. Stock is Delisted. CLOSED. Doubt anyone will even print you a certificate at this point. The stock no longer exists. LOL
I know - joke lol.
I still have my millions of shares though!
Anyone tried to get a certificate with them to put up on their wall? lol
Ummm MHYS has been dead for years. GROD moved on. LOL
Ummm MHYS has been dead for years. GROD moved on. LOL
MHYS I still have many shares, when can we
expect good news?? ;)
You aren't really thinking this thing exists right? No, Seriously. I thought you'd figured it out. Just a suggestion, really that's honestly all this is. Please do some research in how the Market Works or maybe take some kind of Investment class. Spend some time and learn about the Words and meaning of Defunct, Dark, Permanently Revoked, Closed and Out of Business. But above all, please DO NOT invest in anything until you understand how this stuff really works or you'll go broke. The company formerly known as MHYS no longer exists, all money invested is permanently gone and isn't ever coming back. Not even the Ticker Symbol remains, and the company ceased ALL Operations (even the fake ones) in 2015. The SEC and Nevada Secretary of State then gave the one man company every opportunity to regroup. Instead and to avoid additional lawsuits (even personal ones) in Federal Court. Daniel Grodnik agreed to dissolve the company, close the books and doors and move on. Done, Finished, OVER. God Bless you
LOL MR G. REDEEM YOURSELF!!!! You said have patience we did. Let us know whats going on? Please lol
You too buddy! Thanks for your help here!
Yeppers, even the Die Hards finally figured it out. LOL
None Left, can't say we didn't warn 'em. I'm just surprised people hung on for almost a Full 5 years before admitting the loss. Have a good one my friend, stay safe!!
Just doing my monthly post. I’m sure everyone knows by now that MHYS is incredibly dead. Thanks for playing! LOL