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04/15/17 2:09 PM

#101112 RE: stealthways #101109

That's why I want to see a Japanese manufacturing partner like Takeda or Eisai. They can handle Asian marketing and get the government funding for trials. They could make a deal for purchase of preferred (non voting) shares to fund us out for another year or two for basic operations, land a heck of a good customer and make a ton of money by serving the Asian market.

Royalties from rapid adoption in Asia would put the company in the black very quickly.

Remember - Anavex has no debt.


04/15/17 5:45 PM

#101122 RE: stealthways #101109

Either way should result in a higher share price due to uncertainty being removed.


04/15/17 6:33 PM

#101126 RE: stealthways #101109

This analysis assumes that the market will not "catch up" in valuing avxl as it should be .... the negative campaign has imo made avxl way undervalued and also attempts to give caution to partners in the industry; so this analysis (the two senarios) assumes this is not corrected.... There are however a number of possibilities that could correct this mispricing, in the favour of shareholders such as...

-full or large percentage grants of AD trial;
-foreign pharma partners;
-an under the radar local pharma player (like a Gilead);
-a generic company partnership;
-a large financial player taking over funding (German ?);
-a local traditional pharma steps up;

If the CEO has the goods in his back pocket he can make this valuation correction happen indirectly and partly with non-disclosure agreements... The main point of the analysis of the two scenarios is just to show how illogical the doom talk of dilution is... it will be interesting to see how things unfold...GLTA...