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04/10/17 12:17 PM

#151768 RE: kscott74 #151728

Oh yeah, forgot to add:

Online gaming is a $100 BILLION industry that Mr. Kay and co. may want to turn his sights onto...

Activision/Blizzard has a similar physical device (a mobile app is also available) to authenticate users on their World of Warcraft(WoW) servers using MFA/OOBA technology. At this point, I would propose that they are a MAJOR infringer of $SFOR's patents as well. Authenticator

Consider the following:

At one point, WoW had over 10 million subscribers at it's peak in 2008 (there are currently about half that number). This equated to generated revenue of over $150 MILLION PER MONTH, but that's just the tip of the iceberg...

Hearthstone, their free-to-play(F2P) online card game which generates over $20 million PER MONTH in revenue, currently has over 50 MILLION SUBSCRIBERS.

Heroes of the Storm, their F2P multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) which generates over $10 million PER MONTH in revenue, has over 9 million players.

Blizzard has several other properties that utilize MFA/OOBA for authentication, that generates many more millions for them as well, including: Diablo, Starcraft, and Overwatch.

AAAAAND! Activision/Blizzard isn't the only powerhouse in the gaming industry to utilize MFA/OOBA. In fact, it's not even the biggest! VALVE uses it for authentication on their Steam gaming platform. In 2015, there were 125 MILLION REPORTED STEAM SUBSCRIBERS that generated over $1.5 BILLION in revenue.

With everyone here focused on MFA/OOBA infringement with business, banking, or productivity applications, let's not forget a major opportunity to leverage our patents in the gaming/entertainment idustry as well. Folks, I believe that in addition to all of the other catalysts that have been identified, this has the potential to vault $SFOR share price to DOLLARS in the very near future!