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04/06/17 9:29 AM

#7363 RE: SlowTRD #7362

Excellent ST......Now we know for sure this is going to be an "ALL CASH DEAL" which is what FDA has been saying it would be all along! SDRG already rejected Shengda's original 100% stock offer which was worth approximately $40,000,000-Million @ the time !!! Now it's just a matter of a few weeks before both appraisal reports are submitted in order to determine just how much.... CASH .....DIRECTLY.... gets transferred on to SDRG balance sheet?? Now everybody on Ihub can see why PPS is close to tripling in value over the last few weeks...& will most likely continue to rise up until PR officially hits the market place !!

Good Job As Usual SlowTRD, FDA;_ylc=X1MDMTE5Nzc4NDE4NQRfZXgDMQRfeXJpZANmM2MwbWJkY2VjOGlhBGcDZFhWcFpEeHVjejQxWXpJeVpHWXpNUzFqT1RJM0xUTTRNR1l0WWpnME5pMWxOalU0TldGaFl6aGtOemc4Wm1sbGJHUStjMlJ5Wnc9PQRsYW5nA2VuLVVTBG9yaWdfbGFuZwNlbgRvcmlnX3JlZ2lvbgNVUwRwb3MDMARyZWdpb24DVVMEc3ltYm9sA1NEUkc-?.tsrc=applewf


05/17/17 10:09 AM

#7444 RE: SlowTRD #7362

ST...please keep watch out for anything on coming Sino-top Appraisal Report which should be completed any day now ???

Would think PR on evaluation #$ should be delivered before Marc leaves on last trip to China where he will then sign final cash settlement transfer docs .....FDA