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Full Show - Nuclear War Looms As China Pushes North Korea Closer To The Edge - 04/05/2017

Published on Apr 5, 2017 by The Alex Jones Channel [ / , ]

Wednesday, April 5th 2017[, with appearances by Roger Stone and Joel Skousen, and Roger Stone hosting the fourth hour]: Trump advisor Steve Bannon has been stripped of security clearance in a shake-up at the White House. Additionally, China is threatening nuclear war with the US in a situation that's shaping up to be worse than the Cuban Missile Crisis. We also cover how the US is running out of non-military options on dealing with North Korea. DC insider Doug Hagmann explains what this all means. Also, Infowars reporter Millie Weaver covers the police raids against pedo rings going on right now.

Trump Removes Stephen Bannon From National Security Council Post

Stephen K. Bannon, President Trump's chief strategist, at the White House on Monday.
APRIL 5, 2017 [with comments]

Trump, Citing No Evidence, Suggests Susan Rice Committed Crime

President Trump in the Oval Office on Wednesday.
APRIL 5, 2017

Partial Transcript: Trump’s Interview With The Times

President Trump in the Rose Garden of the White House during a news conference on Wednesday.
APRIL 5, 2017

Trump, Asked About Accusations Against Bill O’Reilly, Calls Him a ‘Good Person’

Donald Trump speaking with Bill O’Reilly during a Yankees game in 2009.
APRIL 5, 2017

Ex-Fox host blasts Donald Trump for defending Bill O’Reilly

Former Fox Business Network host Rebecca Gomez Diamond, one of Bill O'Reilly's accusers, blasted President Donald Trump for defending the Fox News host.
Updated: April 6, 2017 [with comments], [embedded; with comments]

Why Trump’s Defense of Bill O’Reilly Is So Baffling
Does the president know any of the facts behind the giant legal settlements?

President Trump says Bill O'Reilly shouldn't have settled.
April 6, 2017 [with comments]


Alex Jones Debunked By His Own Reporters

Published on Apr 3, 2017 by Reich-Wing Watch [ / , ]

Alex Jones gets inadvertently caught shilling for the establishment by his own reporters. Even more embarrassing is that these videos were posted to the Infowars Youtube page on the same day [the reporters during the evening's Infowars Nightly News following Alex on his show earlier in the day]. [with comments]


Death of a Dystopian

David Crowley’s “Gray State” envisaged an America under martial law.
Illustration by Cristiana Couceiro / Source: Courtesy A&E IndieFilms (Head)

Alt-right conspiracy theorists think that the government killed the aspiring Libertarian filmmaker David Crowley. The truth is far stranger.

By Alec Wilkinson
April 10, 2017 Issue

David Crowley began keeping a journal in April of 2014. He was twenty-eight years old, and he lived in Apple Valley, Minnesota, with his wife, Komel, and their four-year-old daughter, Raniya. The journal was “a life report, since I suspect my feelings right now in nostalgia or reflection might be of value,” Crowley wrote. By the time he stopped making entries, seven months later, he had inadvertently created a psychological document of which very few examples are known.

Crowley had been a soldier in Iraq and Afghanistan. Afterward, he had gone to film school, and in 2010 he began writing a script that he called “Gray State,” in which a totalitarian foreign regime conquers the U.S. government and a band of patriots form a resistance. On LinkedIn, Crowley described “Gray State” as “a film about a near future collapse of society under martial law.”

Crowley’s engagement with “Gray State” was consuming. “Every little part of this project is me,” he recorded himself saying. In addition to writing six very different drafts of the script, he made three trailers, for which he auditioned, rehearsed, and directed the actors; drew storyboards; designed costumes; found locations and got permits; acted as the director of photography, overseeing as many as four cameras at once; and composed music and special effects. As if inhabiting the world he was creating, he periodically cut his hair in a Mohawk and wore combat fatigues and body armor. An actor named Danny Mason, who helped write the first draft, told me that Crowley would take him on hikes through the woods at three in the morning. “We’d come to a clearing and he’d say, ‘See that field?’ ” Mason said. “ ‘Imagine there being a convoy there and fires in the distance.’ ”

Crowley posted a trailer for “Gray State” on YouTube in 2012. It has been watched more than two and a half million times, and the film has more than fifty-seven thousand followers on Facebook. Its supporters included “conspiracy theorists, survival groups,” Crowley wrote, “libertarians, veterans,” and “the military,” many of whom believe that the government has plans to impose martial law, confiscate guns, and hold dissidents prisoner in camps built by FEMA.

Crowley had a patchwork system of beliefs. He regarded himself as a Libertarian, but he identified with the left-leaning wing of the Party, not the militant one—being a soldier had made him a pacifist. After uploading the trailer, Crowley spoke at a Ron Paul event in Tampa, hoping to raise money. “Gray State,” he said, would explore such trends as “the slow yielding of our quiet American towns and streets to a choking array of federal surveillance grids, illegal police checkpoints.”

Through a crowdsourcing campaign, Crowley collected more than sixty thousand dollars, much of it after the conservative radio commentator Alex Jones had Crowley and Danny Mason on his radio show “Infowars,” in 2012, to discuss “the impressive film you’re working on.” The world depicted in “Gray State” was already “happening here,” Jones said. “The people who have hijacked our country, they’re admitting it. They’re admitting that we’re an occupied nation by foreign banks, they’re admitting they’re getting rid of the Bill of Rights and the Constitution.”

“We have people who are living in the Alex Jones world who know what’s going on, and the people who simply don’t,” Crowley replied. “Gray State,” he added, was factual and “could be described as a documentary.” (Jones declined my request for an interview.)

In January of 2015, Crowley and his wife and daughter were found shot dead at their home. Reports of their deaths appeared in the United States and abroad. The Huffington Post called Crowley a military man, and USA Today called him a filmmaker. The police determined that Crowley had shot his wife and child and then shot himself, but commentators on the Internet soon began saying that Crowley’s death seemed “suspicious” and “mysterious,” and that he had likely been murdered by government agents intent on preventing the movie from being made. Among certain conspiracy-minded, anti-government, Libertarian, and alt-right believers, Crowley has become a species of martyr. In January, the international hacking collective Anonymous, which declared war on Donald Trump last fall, posted a tribute to Crowley, suggesting that the government killed him. A spokesman, wearing a Guy Fawkes mask and addressing “my brothers and sisters of the world,” said that the circumstances do “not sound right.”

On Facebook, there is a page called “Justice for David Crowley & family,” which says that its purpose is to “help to clear the good name of David Crowley.” The page is overseen by an accountant in Minnesota named Dan Hennen. He and Greg Fernandez, Jr., a tech worker in California, conduct long discussions on YouTube in which they find fault with the police investigation and ask why someone whose future seemed so promising would kill himself.

Hennen believes that the crime scene was staged by Crowley’s killer. He mentions a sliding glass door at Crowley’s house that the police discovered slightly open—“Very suspicious in Minnesota in the winter,” he told me. Furthermore, no neighbors heard gunshots. “A forty-calibre gun, which is what the police found, is so loud that it would have woken up the whole neighborhood,” Hennen said. “I believe a silencer, or a suppressor of some sort, was used by the killers.”

These theories are contradicted by Crowley’s journal, which was given to me, along with videos and recordings, with the permission of Crowley’s family, by the filmmaker Erik Nelson, who produced “Grizzly Man.” For A&E IndieFilms Nelson has made a documentary about Crowley called “A Gray State,” which will have its première in a few weeks, at the Tribeca Film Festival. Nelson read the reports of Crowley’s death, which led him to watch the “Gray State” trailer. “It seemed incredibly well made,” he told me. “It was clear this guy was in command of all the skills necessary to his craft.” When he read that the police had found hours of videos and voice recordings on Crowley’s computer documenting his family and the progress of “Gray State,” he thought that they might be the basis for a film. Nelson saw Crowley as a solitary obsessive, fiercely making art in an unlikely place.

The journal is dominated by Crowley’s notes as he wrote “Gray State”—what he wished for it to be, his anxieties about whether he could manage it, and the audience he imagined it would reach. He also wrote about his ambitions in general (to have a screenplay produced by 2016, to be a millionaire by 2017), his feelings for Komel (“God I love that woman. Strong, beautiful, ferocious, and deadly intelligent”), and his determination to be a good father. As the entries progress, however, insights appear to arrive unbidden and to impose themselves on him. “I’m expecting to wake up somebody else,” he wrote. “Vast personality changes are happening too fast to write about every day.” And: “I am being prepped for some slide into oblivion or destiny.”

Crowley was losing his mind, and he didn’t seem to know it. Journals of people overtaken by psychosis are rare—accounts of madness tend to be written by people in the midst of their illness or retrospectively by those who have recovered. Crowley was handsome, gifted, and charismatic, but he was also deeply unsure of himself. He owned a number of self-hypnosis recordings meant to overcome his insecurities. He thought that the convulsive things that were happening to him were the result of his endeavor to become more confident, poised, and commanding. He thought that he was developing a new self.

“Why do we always have to meet on your mound?”
[ (as embedded)]

* * *

Crowley was born on July 7, 1985, the middle child of Dan and Kate Crowley. His brother, Dan, Jr., a personal trainer, was older by three years, and his sister, Allison, an architecture student, was younger by two. The three of them were brought up in Owatonna, Minnesota. Dan, Sr., is an engineer who has his own company, which makes equipment he designed to coat solar panels and architectural glass. He and David’s mother divorced when David was twenty.

In ninth grade, David met a boy named Mitch Heil in a computer class. With friends, they played an army game called Airsoft, which is like paintball except that it uses pellets, and the guns are more realistic-looking. They dressed in soldiers’ uniforms and wore helmets and carried backpacks and decorated their faces with camouflage paint. After a while, David began bringing his father’s video camera to the Airsoft game. “That evolved to ‘I’m not getting what I want,’ and we’d start staging our own little scenes and stories,” Heil told me. On weekends, they’d gather at one of their houses and watch the films.

In 2003, toward the end of eleventh grade, David told his parents that he and Mitch were joining the Army after high school. In the real Army, they thought, you also played combat games, but you got paid for it. His parents would have preferred that he go to college, but Dan, Sr., felt that he shouldn’t oppose something his son felt strongly about.

In June of 2004, David and Mitch went through basic training at Fort Benning, in Georgia. Eventually, Mitch was sent to Afghanistan, and David was sent to Germany. While the other soldiers went into town at night to drink, David taught himself German and read calculus and chemistry books. In 2006, he went to Iraq, where he was a mortarman. Later that year, he was among the first to arrive after a car bomb killed more than forty soldiers. Dozens of men, he wrote, were “moaning and wailing ghouls, their skin hanging off in gray ropes, one sitting very still in my seat with half his body an oozing yellow mess whimpering ‘can we please hurry? Could you hurry, please?’ ” Toward the end of the year, he returned to Germany “greeted by no one,” and “slept with first and only prostitute.”

In 2007, David was transferred to Fort Hood, in Texas, and in 2008 he met Komel, at a bar in Waco. The next day, he introduced her to another soldier as his girlfriend. Komel, who was a senior at Baylor University, lived with her mother and father, Naila and Anjum Alam, and her younger sister, Sidrah, who was in high school. Three years earlier, they had come from Pakistan. There the girls and their mother had each had a driver, and the house was run by servants. In the U.S., they had to learn to manage for themselves.

Within weeks of meeting Komel, David found out that he was being stop-lossed—that is, his service was being extended without his consent. Furthermore, he was being sent to Afghanistan. He immediately asked Komel to marry him.

Komel told her father that she was serious about David. “While I was talking to her, David comes to the house for the first time,” Anjum told me. “He came in and he was ready to fight with me.” Komel said that they were getting married in two days and that David was leaving in two weeks. “I was completely in shock,” Anjum told me. “Finally, I said, ‘Fine. If you guys love each other, who the hell I am to come between you.’ ”

David so resented being stop-lossed that he told his commanding officer in Afghanistan that he couldn’t be responsible for another soldier’s life, and he was assigned to deliver the mail. Komel got pregnant late in 2008, during one of David’s leaves. When he was finally discharged, in June of 2009, he was disgruntled, and he told Komel not to come to the ceremony for returning soldiers. Instead, he had her wait outside in the car. “I don’t want the Army controlling how I reunite with my wife,” he told another soldier.

Raniya was born in August of 2009. In September, the family moved from Waco to Minnesota, where Komel knew no one. “For the first six months, she was miserable,” her sister said. “She would call crying: ‘It’s so depressing here, and it’s always cold.’ ”

* * *

David and Mitch had planned on going to film school after the Army. Mitch got out first and hung drywall while he waited for David, and then they enrolled in the Digital Video and Media program at the Minnesota School of Business, in Edina. Komel took a position as a research assistant at the University of Minnesota, while studying for a master’s degree in nutrition. By nature, she was outgoing, but David discouraged her from having people over. “She really wanted to have couple friends,” a woman named Sarah Johnson, who worked with her at a dietary clinic, told me. “David would always mess it up, though.” Komel and Johnson later began a side business involving nutrition as a healing method. Johnson felt that the closer she and Komel became the more David inserted himself between them. He insisted that they record their conversations, because he wanted Komel to have documentation if there were ever any disagreements.

“Gray State” began in the summer of 2010, when Danny Mason, whom David had met through a professor at film school, sent David an e-mail with links to Web sites devoted to conspiracies and suppressed information. According to Mason, “He came back in thirty-six hours, having stayed up for twenty-four hours, and said, ‘You’re on to something, let’s see where this goes.’ ”

“Gray State” is a hectic and vengeful fantasy. After the conquering force imposes martial law, soldiers come to Minneapolis—the seat of the government, since the coasts have fallen. Some people submit to the new regime and live as before; others retreat to the hills to gather guns and make a plan.

Before writing a first draft, David and Danny Mason wrote scenes for the trailer, which they shot with Mitch Heil in 2011. It is two minutes and forty seconds long, and it cost six thousand dollars. No scene lasts more than six or seven seconds. A number of scenes were filmed in front of green screens, which David filled with C.G.I. helicopters, tanks, and other military equipment. The sets are lit sombrely, so that the people, the buildings, and the rooms seem cast in shadow. The twilit quality makes it feel as if David were not so much entering a world as trying to get out of it.

The trailer has three acts—origin, resistance, and outcome. It begins with red crosshairs defining an aerial bombing target in a city. A man starts awake, breathing heavily, and shields his eyes from a powerful light just beyond the drawn blinds of his room. The words “It happened while we were sleeping” appear in white letters on a black screen.

Television news reports show military trucks rolling across bridges and people fleeing. FEMA troops in riot gear advance on a crowd of protesters. A soldier walks along a row of citizens on their knees and shoots each in the back of the head. The city burns. In one eerie shot, Komel and Raniya appear as a mother and daughter watching news reports while light from the television plays across their faces.

To keep track of his story, David constructed a version of a storyboard, taping file cards and Post-it notes and scraps of paper to a wall. The arrangement covered about twenty-five feet, and it looked like the flag of a hapless and turbulent nation. David called it his writer's wall, and he said that it could be read horizontally for the story or vertically for the themes. He had a friend film him standing in front of it, like a weatherman, while he said that it exemplified his use of "ancient methods of storytelling."

"You all know Bart from public relations."
[ (as embedded)]

In June of 2013, David sent a draft of “Gray State” to a script consultant in Colorado named Linda Seger. Seger liked the script’s intricacy, but felt that it had “too much action, too much information, and too many characters.” She also thought that it needed a happier ending. (The main character died.) She suggested revisions, and a year later David sent another draft. Seger remembered the scripts, she told me, even though she has read thousands of them. “It had a nice sense of style, and it had real feeling to it,” she said. “I felt like I was in the middle of the danger.”

* * *

David and Komel’s attachment to each other was ardent, but it also had an unrealistic cast. “There was an almost teen-aged feeling about their love, where it’s all-consuming,” Sarah Johnson told me. Komel said to a friend, “David’s the only person that I like in this world,” but on two occasions she thought of leaving him. In 2011, she felt that he wasn’t contributing enough money or time to the marriage, but they discussed it and he agreed to do more. He got work as a cameraman and video editor, usually in advertising, and saved enough money to return to “Gray State.” The second time was late in 2013. “By then, he was very much living in the world of ‘Gray State,’ ” Mason told me. “My hunch was Komel wanted some form of normalcy, not just the dreary, apocalyptic world vision that David was living through.”

Komel called her father. According to her sister, Sidrah, “She was crying and saying, ‘Dad, I can’t do this anymore. I want to come home.’ ” Anjum asked if David was hurting her. When she said no, he was sympathetic but told her, “You have a family. You make it work.”

In May, 2014, a month after David began the journal, he flew to Los Angeles, where he had arranged to meet several people who were interested in “Gray State.” Among them were two producers, Michael O’Donnell and Mike Boggio, who have a company called Michael Entertainment Group. David called them the Mikes. When they said they wanted to option the script, David wrote that it was one of the most important days of his life.

Believing that she and David would be rich by the fall, Komel quit her job at the dietary clinic and began to plan her own business. Meanwhile, David arranged to meet the Mikes again in Los Angeles. To prepare, he rehearsed. “Mikes meeting two, the outline,” he began. “Projecting power, confidence, talk fast. Talk fast, easy, and project.” He expected the Mikes to ask how the rewrites were going. “If you want to talk rewrites, I suppose we should talk contract,” he said. The imaginary exchange lasted an hour.

The day before the meeting, Komel found David curled on the floor in the bathroom, crying. She comforted him by telling his that he was brave. He worried that the Mikes would regard him as a fraud, but they told him that "Gray State" was their most promising project. "He was totlly professional, not quiet, not shy, very confident," Mike Boggio told me. "We left that meeting thinking, We got to have a deal with this guy."

Over the summer, Komel’s mother received a diagnosis of cervical cancer. Komel and her father argued over the phone about treatments, and, afterward, she and David decided that her family was trying to manipulate her and that she should no longer speak to them. The following day, though, David heard Komel on the phone talking heatedly in Urdu and became angry. After they argued, she wrote, “I expected him to show me a little more compassion.” She told herself that she would feel better in the morning, but she had nightmares. “I start experiencing degrees of separation between David and I,” she wrote. “I guess I forgot we were two different people in two different bodies.”

* * *

A psychosis can overwhelm and disable a person, or it can appear episodically, in the form of disordered thoughts that are themselves an attempt to ward off a collapse. At the end of July, David suffered a psychic crisis that involved a “deep understanding stretching my mind past what my body can tolerate.” He went on to write that he had undergone “a 20 minute physical episode of visions of pure deep horror, long insight stretching unbroken like a panorama.” The visions subsided, however, and he returned to his regular life, taking Raniya to her sitter, having family dinners, reading and writing, and working out in the back yard with Komel.

In September, David revised “Gray State” for the Mikes. He wrote for thirty-one hours, then Komel read the script, and he sent it to the Mikes so that it would arrive for one of their birthdays, on September 17th, along with a “Gray State” poster. He was unsettled when they didn’t respond immediately.

Reading the journal, one searches for the moment when David became permanently unmoored, when his fantasies eclipsed him, but it isn’t so simple. Preparing to write the draft he sent to the Mikes, however, he made an entry that seems to predict his collapse:

The moment of my purpose has arrived. And if the universe awaits my consent for the go ahead then I say do your worst you filthy sticky bitch, I know you’re going to reward and seduce me before killing off what I love and burying what I build and destroying me as awfully as possible in horrible retribution for having thrust my ability so far into your black void that generations hence will still be expanding on what I started, settling the void, conquering the dark, until the greater objective is served.

No life has only one outcome, but as David waited to hear from the Mikes he seemed to relinquish ground that he never recovered, or, if so, only intermittently. It is as if the writing and making of “Gray State” were a means of containing the violent fantasies within him, and when the project faltered they swamped him.

The Mikes reacted as producers do, by considering the script’s merits and difficulties. “My first pass, from story content, was: This is kind of a road map for the next American revolution,” Michael O’Donnell told me. “My second pass was breaking it down to what it costs.” When David finally heard from them, on September 26th, they said that “Gray State” might be better as a TV series. They did not offer him the contract he had counted on.

David was devastated. “Making ‘Gray State’ was his whole world,” Sidrah said. In a Facebook post written after David’s death, Mitch Heil said that he didn’t think David knew “how to cope with failure on this scale.” He went on, “In my heart I feel like the stress, the message, the story, and his thought process caused his world of fiction and reality to blur.”

David began to have trouble sleeping, and for an hour one night he lay awake and cried. "I guess the big wait created a lot of anxiety that needed resolution the situation couldn't provide," he wrote. "Hence the bad weather! I'm serious, moment by moment for a long time, the weather has been following my mood."

He stopped saying that he was going to be famous. "He didn't say they were moving to California, either," a friend named Chris Peck told me. "All he said was 'That was a pipe dream.' "

* * *

As if to salvage years of work, David put aside "Gray State" for a documentary that he called "Gray State: The Rise," which he assembled from interviews with himself, friends and internet commentators; news footage; and a brief interview he had once filmed with Alex Jones. It expresses the belief that the Gray State has arrived. "We are already going into a scientifically designed Orwellian control system that is meant to use humans up like natural resources," Jones says. David's purposes also shifted. Sean Wright, a friend of his who worked on the documentary, told me, "He was changing his mind from entertainment to waking people up."

Crowley was consumed by “Gray State.” He wrote multiple drafts of the script, and planned an accompanying documentary. He directed trailers, for which he also designed costumes, got filming permits, composed music, and acted as the director of photography.
Photograph courtesy A&E IndieFilms

David believed that the documentary would establish a Gray State brand, which might one day include video games and combat games. To further the brand, he planned to make the documentary available free. Working on it possessed him as entirely as writing “Gray State” had. Meanwhile, he and Komel stopped returning most phone calls and texts and e-mails. Anjum sent Komel a photograph of her mother, Naila, in the hospital, hoping to provoke her into speaking to him. Immediately, he received a call from David, who said that he and Komel wanted nothing more to do with him or the rest of the family.

Sidrah and her fiancé, Vincent Sotelo, who is now her husband, decided to drive to Minnesota from Waco to check on Komel. A few months earlier, Anjum had lent David and Komel a car, and, as a pretext, Sidrah planned to tell them that he needed it back. She would leave her own car for them.

Sidrah and Vincent left Waco on October 16th and drove for sixteen hours. They arrived at around seven that evening. With Vincent standing behind her, Sidrah knocked on the door. David opened it, and she said, “I’m here to see my sister.”

“We want nothing to do with you—I thought I made that clear,” he said, and shut the door.

She knocked again. David said, “Go sit in the car.” Vincent saw a shadow on a wall behind David and felt sure that it was Komel’s. When David came out to the car, he said there was no way Sidrah could see her sister. Sidrah said they had come to exchange cars. David said that he needed an hour to get the car ready but he would return it only if they took both cars, which meant that Sidrah would have to drive sixteen hours to Waco by herself. She said she couldn’t. “Fine,” David said. “Deal’s off.” Then he went back into the house.

“Vinny and I looked at each other, like, What now?” Sidrah told me. Vincent knocked on the door again, and David came out. Vincent extended his hand, and David hesitated then shook it. “Her mom needs her daughter,” Vincent said. “You said an hour, right?”

When they returned, Sidrah saw David watching them from a picture window beside the front door. The car was on the street, and on the dashboard there was a photograph of Komel, Sidrah, and Naila. Komel had written on the back of it, “I have always loved you and Mom and always will.” Sidrah and Vincent decided to leave their car for Komel, in case she ever needed to flee. Sidrah wrote, “I love you, too,” on the back of the photograph and left it on the dashboard, and they drove away quickly.

* * *

A mania shared by two people, one of whom appears to be dominant, is called a delusion by proxy and is rare. The treatment begins by separating the people sharing the delusions. David’s entry for October 30th says, cryptically, “Komel got raptured today. She’s still here.” That morning, he had gone to Home Depot, and when he returned Komel came into the kitchen and asked him to hold her. She said something was very wrong. “Something about, ‘Do not fear, sweet body, for we have felt this pain together,’ ” David said in a recording that he made immediately afterward on his phone. He went on, paraphrasing her, “Don’t worry about the pain, because you do not know how to feel pain, and you will return to the dust and your dark slumber, and I will be gone.”

“I have my mission,” she had told him. She said she had heard a woman’s “scary voice” and asked if he had heard it. Sounding distraught, she reproduced the voice: “I’ve warned you, I’ve warned you.” Then: “I want you. Please come with me, please come with me, your place won’t come to me. . . . There’s nothing left here.”

David went into his office and shut the door. “This took a lot out of her,” he said into his phone. He had held her while she began “to shake and weep and howl,” and then she said, “ ‘This is what rapture is.’ ”

Komel came into the room then and lay down on the couch.

“You said you were Egyptian,” David told her. “You said you’d come from very far to find me, and Rani and I need to come with you, and there’s not much time.

“The primary emotion was that of, like, desperate, desperate love, like hopeless love,” he continued. “And on some level your soul has committed to mine, and we’re going to go somewhere and Rani’s coming with.”

“Those were the last words,” Komel said, her voice pitched just above a whisper.

* * *

After Komel quit her job, she told a woman she’d worked with, Heidie Lish, that she was writing a book about eating disorders. “We had coffee around Thanksgiving, and she told me she wasn’t writing the book anymore,” Lish said. “She was reading a lot of books about religions and people who don’t eat for forty days. She said there were people in the world who didn’t need to eat at all. Then she started talking about how she never left the house anymore.”

The week before Christmas, David and Komel visited their friend Chris Peck. “They were uncontrollably, zealously happy,” Peck said. “David gave me some books, one about how to succeed in Hollywood, one about writing, and then he handed me a bunch of notes for a screenplay I was writing, and he gave me back video games I had lent him. He gave me back everything I had ever lent him. Komel wished me Merry Christmas, and, quick as they were in, they were out.” High spirits are characteristic of people resolved on suicide—it is why so many stories of suicide include someone saying, “We thought he had got better.” The decision often gives people a feeling of being released from their troubles.

Dan Luttrull served with David in Afghanistan, but he hadn’t spoken to him in a while. Then, late one night a few days before Christmas, “I was sitting on the computer, drinking, and I got a message from him,” he told me. They discussed the Army, their lives, and “Gray State.” “He was drinking absinthe, and I was drinking whiskey and beer,” Luttrull said. After about two hours, Luttrull said that he was ready for bed, and David asked him to delete their exchange. “His exact words were ‘If you’re truly my brother and my friend, you’ll do it. I promise you’ll understand soon.’ ”

The last entry in the journal reads, “I am no one. It is everyone else who is someone.” On Christmas morning, David made a list of plans for the coming year. “Christmas: 6 day countdown meme: ‘It will be a new year,’ ” he wrote, and he reminded himself that December 30th was the “last day to crowdfund!” Then, with a pistol that he kept in a safe in the bedroom, he shot Komel and Raniya as they lay on the living-room floor. Sometime later, he sat down beside them and shot himself.

The next morning, Dan, Jr., left presents for David and Komel and Raniya on their doorstep. The family’s dog put its paws on the frame of the picture window and watched him, but he didn’t look inside.

* * *

A neighbor found them. On January 17th, after returning from a holiday trip, he saw the presents scattered on the stoop and figured the family was away. He piled the packages neatly, then heard the dog barking, which he thought was strange, if they were gone. Then he looked in the window.

As David Crowley worked on “Gray State,” he assembled a kind of storyboard, which grew to cover a wall of his home. He said that it could be read horizontally for the narrative of the movie or vertically for the themes.
Photograph courtesy A&E IndieFilms

The police found the sliding glass door on the back deck slightly open. A light was on in the dining room; strings of Christmas lights and a synthetic Christmas tree were lit. Komel was lying on her stomach on the floor near the tree, and Raniya lay across one of her legs. David was on his back next to them. Komel had been shot twice in the head, and Raniya had been shot once behind her left ear. The dog had scavenged the remains. Komel was identified at her autopsy from a photograph on the Internet, showing a tattoo on her left wrist of a heart with “All you need” written inside it. David was identified from tattoos on his left wrist and shoulder.

Bloody footprints led into the kitchen and down the hall to David’s office. A laptop was open on the kitchen counter. When an investigator applied a swab to the keyboard to collect a blood sample, the words “I have loved you all with all of my heart” appeared on the screen. In a window behind it was a playlist that David had titled “Ascent.” It consisted of fifty-three songs, most with despairing themes, that he had presumably meant to run continuously—apparently, the batteries on the speakers had died. In the office was an open notebook with dried blood in the margins. David had written, “Open ‘The Rise’ most recent version,” and “Submit to Allah now.”

In the living room, David had done something that the police omitted from their incident report and waited months before telling the families. With his hands covered in his wife’s blood, he stood on the couch and wrote on the wall, “Allahu akbar,” which means “God is great.” On the floor by Komel, he had placed a Koran, opened to a prayer of forgiveness.

* * *

A few days after the bodies were discovered, David’s father and sister went into the house. The police had told them that they should have it cleaned first, and the cleaners had cut out the floorboards where the blood had warped them, so it was clear where the bodies had lain. On the wall behind the couch was a rectangle of white paint. Otherwise, the house was as it had been. On the kitchen counter, Allison found David’s wedding ring, with blood on it. Dan, Sr., tried to imagine what Komel and Raniya had been doing. “Were they reading a book, maybe playing on the floor?” he said. “You think yourself in circles.”

A friend of David’s, Mason Hendricks, went into the house several times on the family’s behalf to sort through David and Komel’s possessions and see what was worth keeping. When he saw the white paint on the wall, he felt certain that something had been written beneath it, because he and David had talked about berserkers and Norsemen and the practice of writing in blood to leave a message before dying.

Last spring, I went to the house with Hendricks. It had been repossessed—the neighbors hope that whoever buys it will tear it down and build a new one—but Hendricks knew the code on the finance company’s lockbox. It had been more than a year since the killings. Clothes hung in the closets where David and Komel had left them. The Christmas tree was still there, and there was a small shrine of candles and dried flowers where the floorboards had been cut away. The white paint on the wall was still there, and I wondered if the cleaners had washed the wall or had simply painted over the letters and they were still there.

The electricity had been turned off, and the only light came through the windows. The sense that something terrible had happened was inescapable, partly because the place still looked as it had in the crime-report photographs. It was difficult to decide whether the house felt neglected or preserved. We stayed long enough for me to walk down the hall from the living room and look at David’s office, which still had papers in the file cabinet; Raniya’s bedroom, with her drawings taped on pink walls and shoes on the floor and loose glitter here and there; David’s workroom, in the basement, which had posters for “Gray State” on the wall; and David and Komel’s room, with the sheets still on the bed. On the kitchen counter was a small stack of business cards for MindBody Dietician LLC—“Holistic Nutrition Therapy, Food Allergies, Autism, Autoimmune Conditions”—on which there was a photograph of Komel, smiling.

* * *

Since her daughter’s death, Naila Alam has spent most of her time in the hospital being treated for cancer; she is now in hospice care. She would ask Sidrah why Komel hadn’t called to see how she was, or why she didn’t answer her phone, and Sidrah would demur. “I would say, ‘Why talk about them? It’s just hurtful. They don’t want to hear from us,’ but she would see my expression.”

Finally, Naila, exasperated, asked if Komel was still alive, and “it just came out,” Sidrah said. “I told her, ‘Do you really want to know the truth?’ ”

Naila asked if Komel had died in a car accident. “I said, ‘David killed her.’ ‘Is he in jail?’ she asked. ‘Where’s Rani?’ ”

A few weeks after the deaths, the Crowleys held a memorial for David and Komel and Raniya. Perhaps a hundred people came. In the months following, Dan, Sr., assembled a time line of David and Komel’s final year, organizing their e-mails and texts and David’s journal onto a spreadsheet. It has five hundred and thirty-seven entries under the headings “Date, Source, and Event.” He thinks of it as representing pieces “in a really big puzzle I don’t know how to put together.” One afternoon, I sat with him and Dan, Jr. “There’s this endless list of issues we are struggling with,” he said. “They wanted to be left alone. David wanted to get his movie done. He was annoyed with people. I get that.”

“I remember you didn’t talk to your dad for four years,” Dan, Jr., said.

“Five years,” Dan, Sr., said. “I didn’t kill myself, though.” His shoulders slumped. “I figured they’d come through,” he said. The thought that it might have been possible to intervene haunts everyone who knew them.

On David’s desktop, Hendricks opened “Gray State: The Rise” and discovered that David had left behind a video specifying the order in which files should be assembled to create the documentary. He followed the instructions and posted the movie on Vimeo as “The Rise.”

Sidrah and Vincent had their first child, a girl, in August. They had hoped that she would arrive on Raniya’s birthday, but she didn’t. Danny Mason maintains David’s “Gray State” Facebook page, posting videos and remarks every few weeks, usually critical of the government. He and Dan, Sr., own the rights to the concept, and, while Dan, Sr., is uncertain what outcome he prefers, Danny Mason still hopes to make “Gray State.”

© 2017 Condé Nast [ ]


The Fascist Personality and Rhetoric of Donald Trump

Published on Nov 22, 2016 by Reich-Wing Watch

"Unless an answer can be given to these people; unless they can be led to understand what is really happening to them, we could be in for trouble."
-Noam Chomsky

"The antidote to Trump [neo-fascism] is a very strong progressive agenda."
-Bernie Sanders [with comments]


Sebastian Gorka Made Nazi-Linked Vitezi Rend ‘Proud’ By Wearing Its Medal

Sebastian Gorka poses with his wife Katharine Gorka at Trump's Inaugural Ball wearing the medal of Vitezi Rend.

Sebastian Gorka, center, talks with Homeland Security Secretary John F. Kelly, left, before a meeting with President Donald Trump on cyber security at the White House in January.
Apr 8 2017


Donald Trump: Make America Hate Again (Documentary)

Published on Jul 12, 2016 [Part 1] and Sep 10, 2016 [Part 2] by Reich-Wing Watch

This documentary explores the many troubling parallels between Donald Trump and fascist dictator Adolf Hitler. Is it possible for German style fascism to come to the United States? Trump's right-wing populism, Islamophobia, racism, and nationalism has gained him support from white supremacists who say their groups are growing drastically thanks to Mr. Trump. In a recent interview Donald Trump refused to disavow the KKK and David Duke, and has also retweeted Neo-Nazis on his twitter account. Could Donald Trump be the Fuhrer of the Fourth Reich that Neo-Nazis have been yearning for?

Featuring: Donald Trump, Adolf Hitler, Joseph Goebbels, Noam Chomsky, Fracisco Franco, Wayne Barrett, David Duke, Roy Cohn, Amy Goodman, Rachel Maddow, Chris Hayes, Bernie Sanders, Joe McCarthy etc. [with comments], [with comments]


Taran Killam Confirms Trump ‘Struggled To Read’ At ‘SNL’
This is not fantastic.

Taran Killam, Donald Trump, and Darrell Hammond on “SNL.”

04/07/2017 [with embedded video]


So, You Wanna Have a New Election? | The Resistance with Keith Olbermann | GQ

Published on Apr 5, 2017 by GQ [ / , , ]

It would be wild and dangerous, but so are these times. [with comments]


FULL PRESS CONFERENCE: President Trump and King Abdullah Speak in White House Rose Garden (FNN)

Published on Apr 5, 2017 by Fox 10 Phoenix [ , ]

WASHINGTON (AP) - President Donald Trump says a suspected chemical attack by the Syrian government against civilians "crossed a lot of lines." At a joint press conference with Jordan's King Abdullah II Wednesday, Trump said that his attitude about Syria's President Bashar Assad and about Syria has "changed very much."

Remarks by President Trump and His Majesty King Abdullah II of Jordan in Joint Press Conference
Rose Garden
April 05, 2017 [official transcript] [with comments] [official White House upload at (with comments)]


Maxine Waters: 'O'Reilly needs to go to jail'

All In with Chris Hayes

The lawmaker sounds off on Steve Bannon, Ivanka Trump, a president she says should 'shut up,' and the Fox News host facing sexual harassment claims. Duration: 6:14

©2017 , [with comments]


The President defends Bill O'Reilly amid sexual harassment allegations

All In with Chris Hayes

Donald Trump's on-the-record defense of O'Reilly comes five days into National Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month. Duration: 6:01



Kaine sounds off on Gorsuch, Bannon and O'Reilly

All In with Chris Hayes

Senator Tim Kaine, tells us why he opposes Judge Neil Gorsuch for the Supreme Court, as well as Steve Bannon's removal from a permanent seat on the National Security Council. Duration: 6:34



'Careening incompetence' of Trump administration risks crisis

The Rachel Maddow Show

Rachel Maddow remarks on the "clown car of incompetent catastrophe" that is the Donald Trump administration and expresses concern for how important matters of national security will be handled. Duration: 22:08

©2017 , [with comments]


White House story on Bannon NSC move perplexes

The Rachel Maddow Show

Jennifer Jacobs, White House reporter for Bloomberg News, talks with Rachel Maddow about the removal of Steve Bannon from the National Security Council and how the Donald Trump White House explains the change. Duration: 6:06



Alabama governor referred for prosecution by ethics commission

The Rachel Maddow Show

Rachel Maddow reports breaking news that the Alabama Ethics Commission has found probable cause against Governor Robert Bentley and referred his case for prosecution. Duration: 2:38

©2017 , [with comments]


Senators demand answers on new EPA policy

The Rachel Maddow Show

Rachel Maddow follows up on the exclusive revelation of what appears to be internal EPA memos on removing environment regulations, noting that three senators are now seeking answers on the specifics of the new policy the memos describe. Duration: 2:34



The consequences of no one believing what Trump says

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell

Lawrence O'Donnell says Donald Trump is unprepared and lost on Syria and so is his Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson. Max Boot says that under Trump, not even the President necessarily speaks for U.S. policy. David Corn joins. Duration: 16:15



O'Reilly accuser Wendy Walsh describes sexual harassment

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell

Former Fox News contributor Dr. Wendy Walsh tells Lawrence O'Donnell about her encounters with Bill O'Reilly and how she feels about President Trump defending him today as not doing "anything wrong." Her attorney Lisa Bloom also joins. Duration: 8:15

©2017 , [with comments]


Calling Syria chemical attack 'heinous' Trump again blames Obama

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams

MSNBC's Brian Williams discusses the President's remarks on Syria with The Wall Street Journal's Eli Stokols & fmr. CIA chief of staff Jeremy Bash. Duration: 8:05



Jeremy Bash: Sounds like Trump doesn't know next steps on Syria

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams

Joining MSNBC's Brian Williams, former CIA & Defense Dept. Chief of Staff Jeremy Bash says listening to Pres. Trump's remarks on Syria, it appears Trump is making things up 'on the fly.' Duration: 1:30

©2017 , [with comments]


Trump's U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley blasts Russia on Syria

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams

In a tense moment at the United Nations today, Nikki Haley seemed to stare down her Russian counterpart over Moscow's ties to Syria. MSNBC's Brian Williams discusses with his panel. Duration: 1:50

©2017 , [with comments]


Report: Bannon threatened to quit after he was booted from NSC

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams

The New York Times reports Steve Bannon threatened to quit after he was removed from the National Security Council. MSNBC's Brian Williams talks to Michael Steele, Jeremy Bash, & Eli Stokols. Duration: 8:05



Eli Stokols: Trump's entire career has been one long adlib

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams

Discussing Trump's comments on Syria with MSNBC's Brian Williams, Wall Street Journal reporter Eli Stokols discusses how the President's penchant for adlibbing can complicate foreign policy. Duration: 1:32

©2017 , [with comments]


Does Pres. Trump feel like he has to have an enemy?

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams

MSNBC's Brian Williams talks to Michael Steele and Rick Stengel about President Trump's need to have an antagonist and how that's affecting his world view. Duration: 5:30

©2017 , [with comments]


We Told You So: Russian Hacking | Full Frontal with Samantha Bee | TBS

Published on Apr 5, 2017 by Full Frontal with Samantha Bee [ , ]

Turns out Americans are exactly as gullible as Russian trolls think we are. [with comments]


Heir to the White House Throne | Full Frontal with Samantha Bee | TBS

Published on Apr 5, 2017 by Full Frontal with Samantha Bee

The Greatest Feminists in Feminism Herstory Hall of Lady Fame: Ivanka Trump. [with comments]


You're! Not! Helping! | Full Frontal with Samantha Bee | TBS

Published on Apr 5, 2017 by Full Frontal with Samantha Bee

We can't believe we're saying it but it's time to lighten up this one particular gun law. Allana Harkin investigates. [with comments]


Sean Spicer: Kindergarten Press Secretary: The Daily Show

Published on Apr 5, 2017 by The Daily Show with Trevor Noah [ , ]

After a rough start as White House press secretary, Sean Spicer finds his footing as a disdainful, overworked kindergarten teacher. [with comments]


Stephen Takes On Kendall Jenner's 'Attractive Lives Matter' Pepsi Ad

Published on Apr 6, 2017 by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert [ , ]

After puzzling over Trump's take on Bill O'Reilly's sexual harassment lawsuit, Stephen devotes his Wednesday monologue to that confounding Pepsi protest ad starring Kendall Jenner.

[originally aired April 5, 2017] [with comments] [and see also in particular (linked in) and preceding (and any future following)]


Fox News, O'Reilly and Trump: A Closer Look

Published on Apr 5, 2017 by Late Night with Seth Meyers [ / , ]

Seth takes a closer look at President Trump's close relationship with Fox News. [with comments]


Full Show - Senator Rand Paul Warns Trump Not To Back Al Qaeda/ISIS In Syria - 04/06/2017

Published on Apr 6, 2017 by The Alex Jones Channel

Thursday, April 6th 2017[, with Jon Rappoport guest-hosting the fourth hour]: Senate Democrats are attempting a filibuster to stop Judge Neil Gorsuch from being nominated to the Supreme Court. Also, Devin Nunes is under an ethics investigation, causing him to step aside from the House's investigation into Russia and Trump. Dr. Edward Group of the Global Healing Center will join today's broadcast along with economist Paul Craig Roberts and author Michael Snyder.

C.I.A. Had Evidence of Russian Effort to Help Trump Earlier Than Believed

John O. Brennan in July when he was the C.I.A. director. Mr. Brennan was said to be so concerned about increasing evidence of Russia’s election meddling that in late August he began a series of individual briefings for eight top members of Congress.
APRIL 6, 2017

Hillary Clinton Says Russia Used Hacking ‘to Great Effect’ in Her Defeat

Hillary Clinton, a former secretary of state, at a women’s conference on Thursday in New York. Mrs. Clinton called for an independent investigation into Russian interference in last year’s presidential election.
APRIL 6, 2017

I watched Alex Jones give his viewers health advice. Here’s what I learned.
There's a "fungus epidemic." And Infowars’ Jones has just the supplements to stop it.

Myco-ZX, a supplement to cure a fungus epidemic Infowars invented.
Apr 6, 2017 [with related Alex Jones videos embedded] [with comments]


Liberal Redneck - Parks and the Outdoors and Trump and Stuff

Published on Apr 6, 2017 by Trae Crowder [ , ]

The president found a way to make donating money to charity shitty. No small feat. Unlike his feet, which are tiny. Like his hands. He sucks. Love yall. [with comments]


Trump Administration Delays Life-Saving Safety Regulation

The Obama rule would limit construction workers’ exposure to cancer-causing silica dust. But now it’s in limbo.
WASHINGTON - The White House announced Thursday it will delay the rollout of a major workplace safety regulation issued by the Obama administration, stirring fears among safety advocates that it could be watered down or even scrapped by President Donald Trump [ ].
Before leaving office, President Barack Obama [ ] finalized what’s known as the silica rule - a long-awaited regulation [ ] that limits the amount of cancer-causing dust that companies can expose construction workers to. Workplace safety experts and unions spent decades pressing regulators for the changes, squaring off with the homebuilding, industrial sand and chemical lobbies. The Obama administration announced the reforms to much fanfare [ ] last year.
[...] [with embedded video]


Trump Launches Cruise Missle Attacks On Syrian and Russian Base

Published on Apr 6, 2017 by The Alex Jones Channel

In response to the supposed Syrian gas attacks, Trump launches cruise missiles a.t Syrian targets. Alex Breaks it Down.

[from before Trump's strike on a Syrian airfield] [with comments]


Trump chaos collides with Syrian complexity

The Rachel Maddow Show

Rachel Maddow outlines two lenses through which to view the situation between the U.S. and Syria, one is the recent history of Syrian chemical weapon use, and the other is the calamitous beginning to the young Donald Trump administration. Duration: 11:05



US fires more than 50 Tomahawks against Syria

The Rachel Maddow Show

Hans Nichols, NBC News Pentagon correspondent, reports breaking news that the U.S. has launched more than 50 Tomahawk missiles against Syria targets. Duration: 4:01

©2017 , [with comments]


President Donald Trump Makes Statement On Syria | The New York Times

Published on Apr 7, 2017 by The New York Times [ / , ]

President Trump spoke after the United States carried out a missile attack in Syria on Thursday in response to the Syrian government's deadly chemical weapons attack.

Statement by President Trump on Syria
Mar-a-Lago, Florida
April 06, 2017 [official transcript] [with comments] [official White House upload at (with {over 10,000} comments)]


Trump Strikes Syrian Base: Alex Jones' Analysis

Published on Apr 6, 2017 by The Alex Jones Channel [with comments]


note: the following April 6, 2017 segments from MSNBC's continuing live coverage that evening of Trump's Syria strike


Meandering Trump Syria policy solidified by strike

The Rachel Maddow Show

Rachel Maddow talks with Brian Williams about the conflicting messaging from the Trump administration on Syria and its leadership in the week prior to the launch of missiles in response to an apparent use of chemical weapons. Duration: 1:50



US strike seen as 'limited,' 'low-risk'

The Rachel Maddow Show

Admiral James Stavridis, U.S. Navy (ret), discusses the nature of the U.S. Tomahawk missile strike on an airfield in Syria, and what may be next. Duration: 3:08



Russian bases observe US missile strike in Syria

The Rachel Maddow Show

Bill Neely, NBC News chief global correspondent, reports live from Moscow on Russian reaction to U.S. strikes missile strikes in Syria and Russia's military relationship with Syria. Duration: 3:22



Rubio: Syrian Airfield Attack Isn’t Symbolic, Has ‘Strategic Value'

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell

Florida Senator Marco Rubio tells MSNBC’s Brian Williams that the U.S. airstrikes in Syria on an airfield had “strategic value” and impact on the Syrian regime’s ability to launch chemical attacks. Duration: 7:00



Schiff: Trump should seek authorization from Congress on attacks

The Rachel Maddow Show

Congressman Adam Schiff, ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, talks with Rachel Maddow about the intelligence behind the U.S. strike in Syria and the legal need for Donald Trump to consult Congress for authorization of military actions in Syria. Duration: 10:20

©2017 , [with comments]


Engel: Strike ends narrative, not Assad nor Syria's war

The Rachel Maddow Show

Richard Engel, NBC News chief foreign correspondent, talk about the U.S. Tomahawk missile strike in Syria in the broader context of the Syrian civil war and the politics of the Middle East. Duration: 4:25



Strike puts Assad, Russia on notice regarding chemical attacks

The Rachel Maddow Show

Michael McFaul, former U.S. ambassador to Russia, talks with Rachel Maddow about Russia's likely reaction to U.S. strikes in Syria and Russia's apparent failure to secure Syrian chemical weapons. Duration: 6:09

©2017 , [with comments]


Gas attack reopens question of Syrian weapons

The Rachel Maddow Show

Malcolm Nance, counterterrorism expert, talks about the challenge of determining whether and how many more chemical weapons Syria may have and the extent of U.S. intelligence on Syria and its capabilities. Duration: 5:08



Iran a wild card in US Syria strike reaction

The Rachel Maddow Show

Michael McFaul, former U.S. ambassador to Russia, talks with Rachel Maddow about the difference between Russian, Iranian, and Hezbollah interests in Syria. Duration: 3:28



Tillerson Calls Syria Response 'Appropriate'

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell

NBC's Hallie Jackson shares comments on the missile strike in Syria from Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and other details from a White House briefing. Duration: 5:46



Gas attack gives Trump clarity on Syria

The Rachel Maddow Show

Andrea Mitchell, NBC News chief foreign affairs correspondent, talks about the confused messaging on Syria coming out of the State Department ahead of the missile attack on a Syria's Shayrat airfield, in contrast with Donald Trump's clarity condemning Syria's apparent use of chemical weapons. Duration: 6:26



Missile Strikes Hit Aircraft, Refueling Areas at Syrian Airfield

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams

Courtney Kube, NBC News national security producer, discusses the U.S. strategy behind the missile strike on Syria's Shayrat airfield and the Donald Trump administration's justification for striking a sovereign nation. Duration: 4:35

©2017 [also at/text taken from ]


Schmidt: Trump 'Re-established the red line'

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams

Republican strategist Steve Schmidt talks with Brian Williams about the missile strikes in Syria. Duration: 4:14



Nance: 'We did a very significant strike tonight'

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams

MSNBC Terrorism Analyst Malcom Nance talks with Brian Williams about the objectives of the missile strike in Syria. Duration: 2:44



Trump Syria attack makes global statement

The Rachel Maddow Show

Michael Beschloss, NBC News presidential historian, talks about past presidents' actions that helped define them to the rest of the world. Duration: 5:15



The Divinity of Donald Trump: The Daily Show

Published [rebroadcast] on Apr 6, 2017 by The Daily Show with Trevor Noah

Jordan Klepper speaks to Pastor Mark Burns, one of Donald Trump's religious supporters, to find out how the GOP presidential hopeful stacks up as a Christian. [with comments]


Please, Just Like… Don't: How to Protest: The Daily Show

Published on Apr 7, 2017 by The Daily Show with Trevor Noah

Eliza Cossio breaks down the basic rules for how to protest effectively.

[a rebroadcast segment aired April 6, 2017] [with comments]


This Bear Has A Rebuttal To Trump's Hunting Bill

Published on Apr 7, 2017 by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

One brown bear steps up to a conveniently located river-lectern to growl about Trump's new bill permitting hunters to target bears during hibernation.

[originally aired April 6, 2017] [with comments]


McCain, You're A Stupid Idiot (According To You)

Published on Apr 7, 2017 by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

Remember when John McCain said only a 'stupid idiot' would vote for the Senate's 'Nuclear Option'? Neither does he.

[originally aired April 6, 2017] [with comments]


Steve Bannon, That Was A Total Cuck Move

Published on Apr 7, 2017 by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

It's inappropriate that the President's Cabinet has resorted to lewd name-calling. That's supposed to be Trump's thing.

[originally aired April 6, 2017] [with comments] [and see also in particular (linked in) (and any future following)]


Trump Is Annoyed by the "President Bannon" Meme: A Closer Look

Published on Apr 6, 2017by Late Night with Seth Meyers

Seth takes a closer look at Steve Bannon's demotion and Jared Kushner's expanding role. [with comments]


Full Show - Trump Strikes Out At Assad! Deep State Mulls Regime Change - 04/07/2017

Published on Apr 7, 2017 by The Alex Jones Channel

Friday, April 7th 2017[, with Paul Joseph Watson hosting the fourth hour with an appearance by Bill Mitchell]: The world teeters on the brink of World War III after the Trump administration launches 59 tomahawk cruise missiles at a Syrian air force base. How will Russia respond to this attack on an ally, and what's Trump's bigger geopolitical motive? We'll discuss the move with Trump insider Roger Stone. Also, analyst Dr. Joel Skousen looks at the wider implications behind the strike, and Dr. Steve Pieczenik takes a close look at the situation. Dr. Jerome Corsi will also join the show with live updates from Washington DC.

Warplanes return to Syrian town devastated by chemical attack

Syria's President Bashar al-Assad speaks during an interview with a Croatian newspaper in Damascus in this handout picture provided on April 6, 2017.
April 8, 2017
BEIRUT - Residents of the Syrian town devastated by a chemical-weapons attack last week said that warplanes had returned to bomb them Saturday as Turkey described a retaliatory U.S. assault as “cosmetic” unless it removed President Bashar al-Assad from power.
At least 86 people were killed in Tuesday’s attack on the northwestern town of Khan Sheikhoun, which left hundreds choking, fitting or foaming at the mouth.
Eyewitnesses said Saturday that fresh airstrikes on the area — now a ghost town — had killed one woman and wounded several others. Photographs from the site showed a pair of green slippers, abandoned by a blood-spattered doorway.
The U.S. military launched 59 cruise missiles at a Syrian military airfield early Friday in the first direct American assault on Assad’s government since that country’s six-year civil war began. Although American officials have predicted that the strikes would result in a major shift of Assad’s calculus, they appeared to be symbolic in practice.
Within 24 hours of the American strikes, monitoring groups reported that jets were taking off from the bombed Shayrat air base once again.
“Those attacks did not reduce the regime’s ability to kill civilians. They can still commit massacres at any time,” said Abdulrzzak Khattab, a resident who said his house was damaged in Saturday’s attack.
Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu described President Trump’s decision to retaliate for the chemical attack as welcome, but not enough.
“If this intervention is limited only to an air base, if it does not continue and if we don't remove the regime from heading Syria, then this would remain a cosmetic intervention,” said Cavusoglu.
Turkey, a key backer of the Syrian opposition, has thrown its weight behind a stuttering peace process in the Kazakh capital, Astana, which it hopes will pave a way for a political solution to Syria’s devastating war.
Assad’s most influential supporter, Iran, rallied around the Syrian government on Saturday, calling for an investigation into the chemical attack that is not led by American officials.
Despite widespread consensus that the chemical attack was carried out by the Syrian government, most likely using the banned nerve agent Sarin, Iran and Russia have defended the record of its ally in Damascus.
[...] [with comments] [with comments]


Hillary Clinton Speaks at Annie's List Houston, Texas Lunch | April 7, 2017

Published on Apr 7, 2017 by Political News [ , ]]

Hillary Clinton called on President Donald Trump's administration Friday to develop a strategy to end Syria's civil war in a manner consistent with American values, following a United States missile strike on the country late Thursday.

Hillary Clinton: Trump can't 'speak of protecting Syrian babies' while pushing a ban of refugees
"The action taken last night needs to be followed by a broader strategy to end Syria's civil war," Clinton said
Clinton herself suggested hitting Assad's air force just hours before the strikes took place
April 7, 2017 [with embedded video] [with comments] [also at (no comments yet), and (no comments yet)] [and just to note, Hillary's YouTube channel is still there -- , ]


Syrian War Escalating To Armageddon

Streamed live on Apr 7, 2017 by The Alex Jones Channel

[with additional increasingly agitated live call-ins by Alex Jones following his already breathless then-just-completed special segment included early on (beginning at c. the 8:50 mark)]

Trump’s Disillusioned Supporters

The president’s military action in Syria is a bitter disappointment for some of his biggest fans.
Apr 7, 2017 [with comments]

Trump’s Troll Army Isn’t Ready for War in Syria

The alt-right crowd breaks with the president.
April 07, 2017 [with comments]

Trump loves a conspiracy theory. Now his allies in the fringe media want him to fall for one in Syria.

President Trump speaks during a news conference with King Abdullah II of Jordan, not pictured, in the Rose Garden of the White House on Wednesday.
April 7, 2017 [with embedded videos, and comments] [with comments]


Infowars Nightly News Live-Trump's Syria Strike: Tactical Or Totalitarian

Streamed live on Apr 7, 2017 by The Alex Jones Channel [with comments]


Donald Trump's consistent inconsistency

All In with Chris Hayes

Yes, he flip-flopped on Syria. And Iraq. And Libya. But that's all consistent for someone with virtually no apparent core beliefs. Duration: 3:54



So what now?

All In with Chris Hayes

Andrew Exum joins Chris Hayes to to discuss the future of the situation in Syria. Duration: 4:48

The Fight Against the Islamic State Just Got Harder
Initial thoughts on the Trump administration’s new front in the Syrian war

Shayrat Airfield in Homs, Syria, the site of a U.S. strike on April 6.
April 7, 2017 [with comments]



Humanitarian War

All In with Chris Hayes

Chris Hayes discusses the concept of a humanitarian war with MSNBC's Joy Reid, Micah Zenko and Alia Malek. Duration: 6:46



Absent policy, Trump follows other motivations to military force

The Rachel Maddow Show

Rachel Maddow reports on Donald Trump's confused policy toward Syria and concerns about what could motivate Trump to further actions given his lack of principled mooring. Duration: 21:06

©2017 [the above YouTube of this important Maddow A-block segment for the moment at least at (with comment); an official upload may become available via ]


Engel on Syria: How does this end well?

The Rachel Maddow Show

Richard Engel, NBC News chief foreign correspondent, talks with Rachel Maddow from just outside Syria about the contradictions in U.S. Syria policy under Donald Trump and the reaction abroad to the recent U.S. bombing in Syria. Duration: 4:27



Trump Syria strike designed to send message

The Rachel Maddow Show

Courtney Kube, NBC News national security producer, talks with Rachel Maddow about Donald Trump's intention in attacking Syria and the outcome of the mission. Duration: 4:19



Offended US agency's bogus demands shut down by Twitter lawsuit

The Rachel Maddow Show

Rachel Maddow reports on an odd demand by U.S. Customs and Border Patrol for the name of the person behind a parody Twitter account -a demand quickly rescinded when Twitter and the ACLU filed a lawsuit. Duration: 3:35



GOP sets new partisan precedent with Gorsuch confirmation

The Rachel Maddow Show

Dahlia Lithwick, senior editor and legal correspondent for Slate, talks with Rachel Maddow about the future of Supreme Court nominations now that Republicans have set a precedent of blocking a nominee because of the nominating president's party. Duration: 6:41

©2017 [and see also in particular (linked in) and preceding (and any future following)]


Lurid details exposed in Alabama impeachment committee report

The Rachel Maddow Show

Rachel Maddow reports on the details of Governor Robert Bentley's affair as exposed in a new report from the Alabama House Impeachment Committee. Duration: 2:59

Rachel Maddow MSNBC
Gov Bentley impeachment report posted here: [ ]
p.73 below, but don't miss the "rustling in the bushes" part on p.74

5:17 PM - 7 Apr 2017
[ (with comments)]

©2017 , [with comments]


The Trump-Putin theory on Syria that can't be ruled out

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell

Lawrence O'Donnell lays out how Donald Trump's credibility problems have made an impossible scenario possible. David Corn, Rick Wilson, and Indira Lakshmanan join. Duration: 15:25



Pentagon investigating Russia's role in Syrian chemical attack

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell

Russian President Vladimir Putin called the Trump admin's Syrian airstrikes an "act of aggression" that will affect Russian-American relations. Tom Nichols & David Filipov join Lawrence O'Donnell to discuss Putin's ties to Assad and his motivations in the region. Duration: 8:02



Trump's strikes on Syria elicit both praise and condemnation

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams

MSNBC's Brian Williams looks at the wide-ranging reaction to Trump's military strikes on a Syrian airbase, what it means for U.S.-Russian relations, and how lawmakers reacted in Washington. Duration: 12:38



Bannon vs. Kushner? White House denies staff shakeup is coming

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams

MSNBC's Brian Williams talks to The New York Times' Jeremy Peters, The Washington Post's Robert Costa, & MSNBC's Stephanie Ruhle about the rumors and denials of a White House staff shakeup. Duration: 8:41



Report: Trump's North Korea options include nukes and killing Kim Jong-un

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams

MSNBC Military Analyst Gen. Barry McCaffrey joins to discuss an exclusive NBC News report showing Trump's options to deal with Pyongyang include U.S. nukes in South Korea or taking out Kim Jong-un. Duration: 4:51



Monologue: A Few of Republicans' Favorite Things | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

Published on Apr 7, 2017 by Real Time with Bill Maher [ / , ]

Bill recaps a busy newsweek in his Real Time monologue. [with comments]


Real Time With Bill Maher: Interview Jelani Cobb HBO (April 07, 2017)

Published on Apr 7, 2017 by Bill_Maher_ Season_15 [ , ]

[for the moment at least at] [no comments yet] [no official upload, at least not yet]


Bombing Both Sides | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

Published on Apr 7, 2017 by Real Time with Bill Maher

Bill and his guests - Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA), Ana Navarro, and Evan McMullin - discuss the U.S. bombing of Syria and President Trump's past comments on military intervention. [with comments]


Chelsea Handler: This Week in Sexism | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

Published on Apr 7, 2017 by Real Time with Bill Maher

Comedian and "Chelsea Show" host Chelsea Handler joins Bill to discuss sexual harassment complaints at Fox News. [with comments]


New Rule: What Would a Dick Do? | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

Published on Apr 7, 2017 by Real Time with Bill Maher

In his editorial New Rule, Bill Maher tells Republicans that they have to learn the difference between being a conservative and just being a dick. [with comments]


Intel, Private Prisons, North Korea | Overtime with Bill Maher

Published on Apr 7, 2017 by Real Time with Bill Maher

Bill and his guests - Jelani Cobb, Rep. Ted Lieu, Ana Navarro, Evan McMullin and Chelsea Handler - answer viewer questions after the show. [with comments]


Witches Are Sick Of You Saying 'Witch Hunt'

Published on Apr 8, 2017 by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

A witch from 17th-century Salem argues that the term is being thrown around too loosely nowadays.

[originally aired April 7, 2017] [with comments]


Donald Trump Jr. Wants To Make New York Great Again

Published on Apr 8, 2017 by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

The President's son is considering running for governor, but a campaign hat might mess up his hair.

[originally aired April 7, 2017] [with comments]


Putin Hates Being Depicted As A Gay Clown. So, This.

Published on Apr 8, 2017 by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

Russia wants to quell the trend of depicting Vladimir Putin as a homosexual clown. The Late Show has other ideas.

[originally aired April 7, 2017] [with comments]


Russia Warns Of All Out War As MSM Attacks Official Story Doubters

Published on Apr 8, 2017 by The Alex Jones Channel

Alex Jones reports on developments in Syria following Trump's Tomahawk attack, and the mainstream media rats itself out by exposing their own hidden agenda to supporting the conflict. [with comments]


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