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04/03/17 3:54 PM

#17733 RE: namah sivaya #17707

I wouldn't give all the credit to Kal. More so to Yost and Haick. Kal got lucky to hook up with a team that can do this and if he didn't somebody else would have but he had first strike advantage. Kals' group picked up cheap mining companies that were on the ropes and re-purposed them with what seems to be a good idea, probably stemming from his stint as a cop with the Cannabix idea. Timely, given legalization on the horizon. Through that connection with Yost they expanded the idea to disease. Same vacuum cleaner different nozzle. I never did agree with them splitting the company for two different purposes but I maintain that the THC breathalyzer has less hurdles to get it to market than the disease detection barriers, simply because the Breathtec device is going to have to prove itself to the medical watchdogs for 17 diseases. That is a useful device when a single purpose cancer detection model would speed things up imo. It is what it is and common sense tells me that I should get on board with BTH because it has far more profit potential. Part of what holds me back is my age and health. Rather than an investor I might be more suited to be a test subject. glta and dyodd