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04/03/17 4:19 PM

#17734 RE: geodcan #17733

Geo you are partly right and partly wrong about Breathtec. I hate to keep going over these company differences but what the heck.

Primarily, Breathtec shares the FAIMS tech with Cannabix. NA-NOSE is a Breathtec tech licensed from Technion.

To date, Hossam Haick (inventor of NA-NOSE/Sniff-Phone) is not affiliated with Cannabix. Neither is his technology.

As far as 17 Diseases, yes the NA-NOSE has capabilities well beyond the 17 Diseases widely reported in Global Studies. However, Breathtec's Clinical Trial has simplified/streamlined the process/path to FDA approval. Meaning, I believe most here and in general have no clue about the FDA process for medical devices, or how long it will actually take for NA-NOSE to hit the market. Therefore, the constant drum beat of many years if not decades or never remains a consistent theory on this board. Of note is Cannabix will be 3 years running in it's quest to bring a THC Breathalyzer to market. Seems to be a lot of patience here - right? We're not even a year in with NA-NOSE and it's at the Clinical Trial stage. Obviously a clear path to market takes time to develop first then you proceed. Let's proceed shall we...

What I have done, versus jibber jabbing until my fingers fall off, is send management at Breathtec an email to clarify the Clinical Trial process in a manner that a 5th Grader can understand. That email was sent today. Although my auto correct wreaked havoc on the content of my email, I remain hopeful we receive a definitive statement regarding this concern. If not, I will post my email to the Breathtec board hoping others will follow up with a similar request.

I'm with you on all else, but please know this...

Correction to a prior post: Monthly Progress Report's Due On The 7th. Thx JB.
