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03/29/17 4:31 PM

#35563 RE: PennyHoper #35562

Ken Williams the CEO will leave efoh in the same debt as he did MDCN. He dilutes to pay himself and couple thug buddys. When Ken is done he will take the company silent as they work on huge deals then will sell the company but not before ammending the corporate bylaws and giving himself 1million common shares that convert to 10000. -1 preferred shares voting rights just like he did mdcn. Nothing but a crook!!


03/29/17 6:26 PM

#35569 RE: PennyHoper #35562

Need to Kick out KEN Williams soon from any positions that this company beholds ...... That billions of the volume I know where came from !

That was company's massive dilution result and was the big transfers of EGOH's worthless stocks from one insider's account to another ... I think I'm right that one of the EGOH's insider was selling and other was buying and they shared the major money they got after the Sale ... I believe its right upto some point of view but you guys are more wise and know how they play many tricks to pUT more people's in trap ..... as many newbies and amateur investors got in their traps after seeing lots of fake PR's and huge volume .... just a fake Shine and Glare