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03/29/17 4:10 PM

#23732 RE: BullishPanda #23731

I really don't know....anyone on board know ?


03/29/17 4:14 PM

#23734 RE: BullishPanda #23731

It's all relative.

A stock that had 1 post last week and then has 500 from various posters this week is said to be highly active and will likely hit the Breakout Boards.


03/29/17 4:17 PM

#23735 RE: BullishPanda #23731

Breakout Boards tickers are 100% determined by the # of posts over the previous 24 hour period. On the BOB's tickers look in the column showing "Rank". That is the % over the previous days posts. For example, we had 130 or so yesterday as opposed to 0 the day prior (1300% rank) so I knew we would get up there eventually and was hoping for last night when we could show the 500% rise but it didn't happen til today as it is the % increase in posts over the previous days and then usually during that day it gets posted there.

Example, we had 130 posts yesterday. In order for us to stay there we would now have to top the 130 posts today with 5-7 times that as most show in the ranking column a 500%+ increase. Hard to describe. Basically it is the % increase over the previous days posts which is why no ticker ever stays there for more than a day as it is a huge post day to get there and in order to do it again you would need 5-10 times more posts the 2nd day to top the 1st days. As you'll see, we most likely will slide down the ranks tonight as all of them at the top will do