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03/27/17 1:31 PM

#267236 RE: JimLur #267234

Glass Half Full:

Repubs display an absolute rejection of entering into mindlessgroupthink. Very refreshing.

Dems had golden oppurtunity to help fix @failingObamacare but enter into, ONCE AGAIN, a most goofy hypnotic state of mindlessgroupthink - not one dem offers an inkling of support for any fix idea.

The mindlessliberalgroupthink still owns @failingObamacare BigLeagues 100% Trust Me


03/27/17 10:09 PM

#267285 RE: JimLur #267234

JimLur, False - Hewitt Obamacare "is in a death spiral."
— Hugh Hewitt on Sunday, March 26th, 2017 in comments on "Meet the Press"

Is Obamacare in a 'death spiral'?

By Allison Graves on Sunday, March 26th, 2017 at 4:24 p.m.


Our ruling

Hewitt said Obamacare is "in a death spiral."

That’s a specific phrase that describes a process where health people leaving the insurance market causes insurance
premiums to rise to the point that more healthy people leave the market. At some point, the system becomes unsustainable.

Experts say there is no evidence that cycle has started with Obamacare, because federal subsidies are keeping people from
feeling the brunt of premium increases. The CBO and other independent analyses have found the health care system to be stable.

We rate this claim False.

See also:

Instead of demanding anything from a Democrat, I suggest that you read the following CAREFULLY. The
"Obamacare disaster" that Republicans keep harping about was engineered by f'ing REPUBLICANS.

There are a lot of democrats who think that the ACA needs improving, and would participate in necessary tweaks.