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03/25/17 4:11 PM

#16365 RE: lesgetrich #16364

OMHE Operational Losses CONTINUE.

In addition, the "net income" that you refer to is still due to the BS use of FMV of the 175 Million shares for the sale of VitaCig back to MCIG; which was actually purchased for like $75k.

In addition, OMHE saw $0, when MCIG sold VitaCBD to Stoney.

The SHYSTER screwed over minority VTCQ shareholders twice....and newer OMHE once on that one!!!

OMHE is in GREATER DEBT now....

And, like MCIG, Andrey, Hawkins, and the SHYSTER will likely continue to dilute to pay themselves.

Gots to pay Andrey for Le Signature!!!!!! Pay up, Buddy!!!!!

They're gonna mix some cbd into that 2014 batch of Le Signature "anit-aging" cream.......RFLMAO

What a sham(e), what a sham(e)!!!!!

Ya think the shyster is going to "announce" when they dilute like MCIG did? Nope

OMHE is not restricted from new offerings to raise money either....that was like in OMHE's first sec filing.


03/25/17 10:39 PM

#16370 RE: lesgetrich #16364

You are correct....once the consulting fees reduce, Which eventually they will....and the "New" Business lines and/or acquisitions are in place.....Omhe is/will be profitable.....