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03/23/17 2:38 PM

#298513 RE: gandalf48ct #298510

How about a link to show the millions of shares of short interest?

And why didn't the price go higher when the EcoNav deal was announced of six processors sold? As a matter of fact, the stock price went lower afterwards and that happened even before the deal fell apart months later?

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03/23/17 2:48 PM

#298514 RE: gandalf48ct #298510

it actually doesn't matter right now if the abusive short is 1M .. 10M or 90M

the crooks have taken PTOI too low on a gamble that they could force actual P2O investors to *capitulate*

it was an EPIC Fail on their part .. but totally understandable .. since their *patterns* reveal an ability
to almost always control the outcome of any *targeted* stock/company (like PTOI/P2O)

but of course CEs' issues go back to Dec 2009 .. when the PRO side handed off to the CON side
for the next cycle of money being implemented .. UP was successful .. DOWN usually is too

just one teeny tiny little problem .. no one checked to see if *certs* had been deposited in any B/D firms
for a significant number of original investors

so of course other matters came into play .. i'm specifically referencing the undertakings of July 2010

and who can forget the complicit aspect (non visible) of Sept 2010 ..

it's why rolling resets were done in Dec 2010 .. when PTOI was essentially round robin'd in less than
24 hours from 70c to 1.35 to 70c (from memory but close enough for gov't work as the saying goes)

that brings us into the set up of the spring of 2011 .. and of course the events of Dec 2011 into Jan 2012

ironically .. since i actually documented Jan 2012's undertakings .. i have the *visual* of NON RETAIL
undercutting the ask by 15 to 20c (below the bid) to induce panic and of course to create legit sellers of PTOI shares

all that effort .. and it still was an EPIC Fail

another year and a half passes .. lots of shenanigans (depo gate on 5.1.13 to *break* 50c decisively) .. yada yada ..
and now with certain dirty whales *exposed* due to documentation .. P2O was wrested back in mid
August 2013 .. and the very first round of money current CEO infused .. resulted in the *CONtinued*
relentless compression of a stock .. that most early investors still held every share of ..

this is why i tend to split *volume* on PTOI into 2 .. from 2009 - July 2013 .. and August 2013 to today

so at each turn NON RETAIL has counted on being able to actually part legit shares from actual P2O investors

nope .. didn't happen

the biggest irony of course .. besides watching each year/s YTD *volume* decrease with P2O being wrested back

was the knowledge of the 3M settlement disbursement (12500 x 240???) and the 1M washed thru CFGN and NN (July) in 2016

and still PTOI had the lowest ever *volume* YTD in 2016 since first trading ..

that is an EPIC Fail but not on the company's part .. rather NON RETAILs .. they have tried everything

as one long noted to me this week .. every aspect of the *shorts* playbook was attempted against PTOI
(and by default that would have impact on P2O)

that is why i posted the comp to another OTCQB .. that has also triggered reg sho .. and is being worked
re: cycles of money to *show* .. how NON RETAIL works *liquidity* and when CEs' go on life support
(as they are with PTOI) .. why they are the ones stuck with P2O's ability to execute and current mgmt's
ability to articulate that execution

NON RETAIL has 2 choices .. because they need to *access* a specific % of PTOI shares .. the real kind

and with P2O's ability to execute .. that is what i'm waiting to see ..

they can take PTOI to 35c or 50c .. (but based on what they just revealed via the 49c ask last 2 days)
that doesn't appear too promising for collecting enough GTCs (% wise) .. then try and stall .. but because imo
they need to access at a minimum of 2M *actual* PTOI shares .. b4 they can pause to refresh (and
i am being rather conservative) .. i come back to the rather interesting range imo needed to access .. and that
hasn't changed from what i noted earlier this year .. that range of 1.00 to 1.50 ..

one of the reasons why NON RETAIL forces a stock below a certain price point .. besides the obvious
is because of what Colluding entities do on the B/D side to aid and abet

some B/D Firms won't allow anyone to buy a stock whose price falls below .. 25c or 10c .. which
obviously negates some retail being able to lower their CB (cost basis) if they were so inclined to do so

more interesting pertains to the ability to set GTCs on the sell side .. a long came back from vacation
to discover his GTCs had expired (5.00) .. and the new *rule* in place @ X B/D Firm .. was sell price limit was now 1.99

so here most of us are .. at the almost 9 year mark for PTOI's *trading* .. and many of us recognize
that PTOI never deserved that first illegal run up that benefitted the crooks who orchestrated it 12.2009
for the hand off of 2010 .. that while undertaken relentlessly .. never actually parted actual PTOI shares
of significance .. and so CEs' 1M abusive short of 12.2009 .. would be *added* to each and every year

which is why the expression that come to mind with P2O's ability to execute is NON RETAIL reaps what they've sown

specifically regarding this next round they themselves will have to *engender* with P2O's ability to execute

i noted years ago (and my opinion hasn't changed) .. PTOI will never have *true* market valuation .. it *cant*
P2O has almost 9 years of systemic abuse CONtained within their stock

this is why imo one needs an aware mgmt team to *counter* NON RETAILs' garbage (tactics/strategies) .. and why imo
this next PR out of RH will be his most important communication since P2O was wrested back 3.8 years ago

i've already sent off my email to P2O's mgmt .. articulating the above .. (sorry no response to report as of today)
as i've noted b4 .. RH is many things .. but stupid *imo* isn't one of them ..


the naked short position is roughly the same as the float????? Wow....those crooks better get busy!!!

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03/23/17 4:22 PM

#298520 RE: gandalf48ct #298510

Scapegoats are nice they give you an out for a bad investment.