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03/18/17 1:26 PM

#397481 RE: capitalismforever #397423

You keep skipping over possible favorable developments, such as the 11K docs, Delaware suit, Pagliara suit, etc. etc. Yes, the gov't has won so far, but this is chess, not checkers, and there are serious constitutional questions about the anti-injunction provision of HERA - and the stakes are high enough that you can be sure at least a few plaintiffs will take up that issue and fight it to the SCOTUS if necessary. If someone is a trader, than your thesis/position seems appropriate; but if you are an investor, then its a totally different story. Also, the real Tim Howard has repeatedly stated that he does not think a rship will happen. Of course, it could, but what in your credentials/connections would suggest your assessment is more likely than his? Not that a less qualified person couldn't be right and TH wrong, but I think its a fair question to ask. Cheers