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03/14/17 11:48 PM

#259718 RE: itzgood #259717

Come on, buy more!! Certainly you should load up when the pps is so low and this company is so undervalued. Just look at the charts!! Better times ahead. This will pop soon. Hype, hype, blah, blah, blah, yak yak, pump, pump. Come on!! Certainly the best of GRDO times are ahead and right around the corner!! Just a matter of weeks now. Or maybe a few months. Be ready!!!! And remember the saying: "GOOD THINGS COME TO THOSE WHO WAIT!!" And even if you have to wait a decade or two!!

Oh gawd, what bullcrap!!


P.S. Anyhow, seriously, I am NOT being paid to promote this fabulous looking company. ;-)