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03/14/17 4:55 PM

#102485 RE: Pyrrhonian #102480

I'll say this for you Steve, you aren't playing this story by half-measures. You are putting in the work. Respect.


03/14/17 6:04 PM

#102492 RE: Pyrrhonian #102480

How about I clarify this for you in much easier to understand terminology.

The study using Lovaza is a prelude to a kiss for the AZN study called STRENGTH. It is not going to work sorry AZN.

Why you say?

We have already discussed this on the board many times before you were around. DHA inhibits EPA from working, raises LDL-C, and does not reduce inflammation rather more likely increases it. Yes it does reduce TG better than EPA alone, but that is it.


03/15/17 9:38 AM

#102503 RE: Pyrrhonian #102480


A couple of "add ons...

Quote: "The authors of the n-3 study noted:

"It is also possible that the high doses of concentrated n-3 fatty acids applied in this study exceeded some optimal threshold level, outweighing the beneficial effect or even leading to an apparent adverse effect. We chose a daily dose of 4 g n-3 fatty acids, >10 times the dose given in DART an....and so on..."

Can't find this paragraph in the Killip paper. Sounds like more of your "boiler plate"...

Also concerning Japanese special talents...

Quote: "here is also a genetic consideration, in that 100% of those in the EPA study were Japanese. Elsewhere I've submitted data that show Japanese may be able to better utilize EPA (and DHA) on a cellular level (not just spiked blood serum levels)."

I'd like to see the link on that...Sounds like something you heard Phil Hartman say on the Simpsons...

On the other hand..I wonder how all those cardiologists messed up so bad and the journal published it..

":>) JL