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03/14/17 11:36 AM

#32931 RE: MikeBK205 #32930

That would be insane!! So many in Sun would become millionaires from pennies!! SUNEQ
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03/14/17 12:16 PM

#32934 RE: MikeBK205 #32930

Mike, do you think SUNEQ can pop to $25 this week? LOL

That would really help my trading account.


I do think this will have quite a pop when reality sets in that commons will be saved but I still think we are anywhere from 3 weeks to 3 quarters for that to happen.

Good luck all
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03/14/17 12:35 PM

#32935 RE: MikeBK205 #32930

Pop to $25 will NOT happen here. There is no reason to compare this stock to American Air.