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03/13/17 2:51 PM

#3859 RE: blue finch #3857

Koktuli river surrounds the southwest and west perimeter of the proposed mine. The Koktuli drains into the Mulchatna which feeds the Nushagak which dumps into the Bering sea. All have lots of salmon.

The whole eco system is Salmon dependent, a small change upstream can be felt very far away.
That being said one could "remove" certain streams and that would have a huge impact, but it would not be catastrophic in my opinion. Volcanoes have erupted in the past wiping out entire salmon streams with toxins, many of those streams are sterile to this day, but the salmon still swim in the surrounding waters. The entire area is very pristine, very untouched, very undeveloped, and that is the root issue at hand.