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03/11/17 2:51 AM

#95053 RE: Whiskey/Sausage #95052

re: "...any suggestions? "

That's the problem isn't it.

There are things that help cope a bit like trying association with something that you know that you always do remember. For example if the person's name sounds like, or he maybe looks a little like some animal, visualize him as such. The more ridiculous the better. Of course then one needs to be careful not to accidently call him "Mr. Weasel" or whatnot before giving the old noggin time to jog. :)

Some people keep working as long as they can. I got pretty good in my career which, among others things, involved programming automation. It's pretty important to stay sharp. I could have kept going a few more years, but, in my case, after I started catching myself at little things, concern over further deterioration influenced my decision to retire a little early.

Some people maybe need to keep working, which can be hard, if they have to do so in spite of needing to start coping with new limitations. Some of that could be, as they say, simply a result of growing older.

In some cases, unfortunately, it may turn out to be creeping AD.

So there's another hidden cost of not getting an effective defense mounted against this thing. Lost productivity, or worse, the risk of expensive mistakes...

Considering the weird attacks Anavex has endured, besides my own DD, I think it's a sign that they really have something. It's been said that the best becomes the enemy of the good. Or in this case, the good (Anavex) becomes an enemy to the bad (SOC). Or perceived that way. There's certainly been some bad behavior on players who have made it hard to stick with the decision to invest in Anavex. Still, keeping that slot occupied in my portfolio, has felt better than simply donating the money to some non-profit "AD Research" outfit, where, a lot of money ends up not really doing any good. Lavish administrative salaries, for example.

I watch my share of gritty stuff, but also like lighter stuff for a change. 'Finding Dory" is great animation. The main character has memory problems. I liked the movie but it got me thinking how much everyone has given up. I get the sense that it would help prepare kids to deal with (presumed inevitable) decline in their older relatives. But I think that now there is hope that it is not so inevitable.

FWIW , Real maple syrup on pancakes and sausage, and a good cigar in the evening, seem to help a little. But that's just me. :)