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03/09/17 8:16 PM

#22488 RE: DOLPHY #22487


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03/09/17 8:16 PM

#22489 RE: DOLPHY #22487

I agree. I'm not happy either.
.006 I can stomach, but the same pattern of dumping since .008?

Big dump at the open to take it down hard, then a rebound that flounders all day sideways, never getting back up to the previous closing price, then a take down just before the close.

This kisses below .0049999 tomorrow then it's confirmed in my book.
Especially if the long sentiments is we are not going to see any sales updates for a month plus?

Since the last run, it's down 50%, 60% in a penny stock is stink pink play.

The boys better figure something out and fast.

What I'm hearing on this thread, the .01+ runs should have never happened then? This is where the stock should be? We should all be happy with .004 on our door steps?

If the patter remains, I can make a few coins on the way down.

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03/10/17 10:13 AM

#22514 RE: DOLPHY #22487

This stock has treated to pre news levels. Once news comes out this stock will soar to penny land. Get in now and double your investment on news at the least.