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08/06/03 2:33 PM

#4077 RE: allshore10 #4061

allshore - strange but true...

in the near term, 'voids have a distinct advantage as they *know* this story (& have seen the media ravages - remember Clownguts?)

this will prove to be a nice oppty to 'voids b/c it isn't scaring anyone here. it might make peops mad, but in the end, it gives everyone a chance to get more shares w/a nice foreshadowing of what is to come.

btw - i agree w/most of the sentiments about cease & desist w/Sheng... but, story editors *do* field pitches for news. call your local paper's story desk & they'll listen to whatever "news" you think you have. if it is a story, it'll often get run (so i don't buy the "innocent mistake" theory in the least).

a reporter is s'posed to verify "facts." if the reporter doesn't the news outlet usually has fact-checkers that verify. after that, an editor is charged w/ensuring the veracity of the "facts."

none of that happened here. it wasn't Wave's fault @ all as it unfolded (except they *should* have been on the horn immediately when they saw the "inked deal" headline).

btw, bluefang i don't think the inky finger crowds take pride in being as wrong as Sheng was & she wears no merit badge for this debacle in those circles. I am certain of that.

anyway, this too shall pass & 'voids get a chance to do some deep discount shopping.



PS CNBCis railing again & calling the PR "misleading" (CNBC is partnered w/Dow Jones). Guessing Dean won't mention Wave tonight in the CNBC live interview!