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03/07/17 7:47 PM

#106361 RE: iwasadiver #106360

Um... perfect post. :)


03/07/17 8:03 PM

#106364 RE: iwasadiver #106360

There will be a time when OS will no longer be watched, because someone will step in and say "enough, this has been proven safe and the efficacy is obvious". Don't believe me, ask some people in the HHS. -- Iwasadiver

I said something similar January 2016, but I agree we may be getting to that point.

When does the referee step in, stop the fight and declare DCVax-L the champ?

Maybe I'm exaggerating, but it seems like a theme that is starting to cross people's minds more frequently.


03/07/17 8:19 PM

#106367 RE: iwasadiver #106360 very well said and appreciate your posts so much as a physician in the real world and you provide some great thought provoking posts that I always enjoy reading.

There will be a time when OS will no longer be watched, because someone will step in and say "enough, this has been proven safe and the efficacy is obvious". Don't believe me, ask some people in the HHS. This is not years from now, I'm of the opinion that it's months. All this time where a "dialogue" was ongoing between NWBO and "regulators" has been just that; looking at everything, data, processes...everything. The hold was lifted, not because the trial has 'ended' but because whatever reason was causing the hold was deemed resolved or not an issue to begin with. This has reopened the door, not just to what was occurring, but what is now being assessed. This is not IMUC, and Linda Powers has worked this situation into an entirely different direction than what CEO's of failed vaccination trials had or have done.

As far as dilution; nonsense. It's only an issue for those who thought they were going to be millionaires on a $10K investment and were naive to the incredible work and stick to it-iveness it would take for this little company to bring DCVax to market. Don't blame the company for your greed and delusional expectations. Did NWBO ever say, "hey, investors, keep buying this stuff we're going to make you all filthy rich"? No, they tried to show positive results just like any other small early stage biologic company and put it in a good light to keep the machine rolling. The early data was as good a data as any company in a similar situation would be doing. Everything NWBO has done has been in front of the public and of regulators, all of it. To complain the Most Favored Nation Status was bogus, or that Linda Powers was lining her pockets with ill gotten $$ through Cognate is sour grapes and plain stupid. It was all there for anyone to see and investigate and think about. If you thought it was a great investment that's on you and no one else. But there are some of us who've been here very long term that still believe this is a viable and extraordinary product that will get to approval; all this speculation, grinding numbers, bitching, drawing diagrams and graphs, watching videos, etc., etc., etc., is nothing but people who can't cut through the crap and see the forest through the trees that have been planted by everyone and their brother on this board.

People who do enough D and D to see but not so much that they squirm around every little detail or setback are who win in biotech. There's over 100 billion dollars spent on Cancer worldwide every year. DCVax even remotely working in GBM validates a much wider perspective and use over the coming 10 years that could mean in less than 3 years NWBO could be a $20 Billion dollar company, on it's way to more. That could accommodate 500 million shares (a hell of an increase in your fearful "dilution" scenario) and still have a share price of $40. On an average price point of even $5/share initial investment of 10,000 shares ($50,000) that's $4 million dollars. Not enough for you? You wanted $40 million? Who's reality is that?

Who do you think pays the $1 million/year salaries of the Juno guys who showed a $245 million dollar loss in 2016? Jesus? Blame all you want; some crazy shit happened to NWBO that maybe they could have handled better, but maybe it was absolutely unavoidable and they did an amazing job of staying afloat while armchair experts sit on this board and whine about what idiots Linda and Les are.

That kind of hand wringing, off based analysis of an intense situation is what people who don't know or understand what they're doing, do.


03/07/17 9:04 PM

#106377 RE: iwasadiver #106360

Thank you Iwasadiver. I think you penetrated to the core value of our investment. Lots of valued enumeration and technical perspectives here and they are all good....but you expose our fundamental outlook. In the end we all wish for the best for all. Thank you.


03/07/17 9:08 PM

#106378 RE: iwasadiver #106360

Brilliant post, iwasadiver. Needed to be said and few could have said it better. Well done.


03/07/17 9:14 PM

#106382 RE: iwasadiver #106360

Excellent post!


03/07/17 9:26 PM

#106384 RE: iwasadiver #106360

My thoughts exactly. We are almost there people.....


03/07/17 9:46 PM

#106389 RE: iwasadiver #106360

Wow Iwasadiver you have moments of exceptional writing abilities. The honesty and transperancy in your post is evident.
Well said and I wholy agree....
And yes a 10 grand investment at this price. 9500 shares could make you a millionaire.


03/07/17 10:27 PM

#106391 RE: iwasadiver #106360

And when the promises are broken the final, parting insult is to say the promises were never made!

Typical in life and VERY typical with NWBO, just as we've seen with every other missed milestone like HE reimbursement that never materialized.


03/07/17 11:00 PM

#106394 RE: iwasadiver #106360

Well said.....You put this in its perfect context. Thx iwasadiver !!!


03/08/17 4:03 AM

#106403 RE: iwasadiver #106360

Thank you for this post !


Basin Street Blues

03/08/17 4:45 AM

#106407 RE: iwasadiver #106360

Iwasadiver- well ..

There will be a time when OS will no longer be watched, because someone will step in and say "enough, this has been proven safe and the efficacy is obvious". Don't believe me, ask some people in the HHS. This is not years from now, I'm of the opinion that it's months. AGREED All this time where a "dialogue" was ongoing between NWBO and "regulators" has been just that; looking at everything, data, processes...everything. AGREED The hold was lifted, not because the trial has 'ended' but because whatever reason was causing the hold was deemed resolved or not an issue to begin with. This has reopened the door, not just to what was occurring, but what is now being assessed. This is not IMUC, and Linda Powers has worked this situation into an entirely different direction than what CEO's of failed vaccination trials had or have done. AGREED

As far as dilution; nonsense. It's only an issue for those who thought they were going to be millionaires on a $10K investment and were naive to the incredible work and stick to it-iveness it would take for this little company to bring DCVax to market. Don't blame the company for your greed and delusional expectations. Did NWBO ever say, "hey, investors, keep buying this stuff we're going to make you all filthy rich"? No, YES - countless inferences to `billions at stake ` means exactly that , theres a lot more but that’s enough. they tried to show positive results just like any other small early stage biologic company and put it in a good light to keep the machine rolling. AGREED The early data was as good a data as any company in a similar situation would be doing. Everything NWBO has done has been in front of the public and of regulators, all of it. AGREED To complain the Most Favored Nation Status was bogus, or that Linda Powers was lining her pockets with ill gotten $$ through Cognate is sour grapes and plain stupid. AGREED It was all there for anyone to see and investigate and think about. If you thought it was a great investment that's on you and no one else. But there are some of us who've been here very long term ( I`ve been long 4 years and 1 month ) that still believe this is a viable and extraordinary product that will get to approval; all this speculation, grinding numbers, bitching, drawing diagrams and graphs, watching videos, etc., etc., etc., is nothing but people who can't cut through the crap and see the forest through the trees that have been planted by everyone and their brother on this board. Mmm True but some of the biggest crap was from Linda , German Reim was a pack of `misinformation` at best. and thats not IMHO thats a fact I established

People who do enough D and D to see but not so much that they squirm around every little detail or setback `$12 to 35 cents ...setback` are who win in biotech. There's over 100 billion dollars spent on Cancer worldwide every year. DCVax even remotely working in GBM validates a much wider perspective and use over the coming 10 years that could mean in less than 3 years NWBO could be a $20 Billion dollar company, on it's way to more. That could accommodate 500 million shares (a hell of an increase in your fearful "dilution" scenario) and still have a share price of $40. On an average price point of even $5/share initial investment of 10,000 shares ($50,000) that's $4 million dollars. Not enough for you? You wanted $40 million? Who's reality is that? Emm.. TRY LES GOLDMAN
Who do you think pays the $1 million/year salaries of the Juno guys who showed a $245 million dollar loss in 2016? Jesus? Blame all you want; some crazy shit happened to NWBO that maybe they could have handled better, but maybe it was absolutely unavoidable and they did an amazing job of staying afloat while armchair experts sit on this board and whine about what idiots Linda and Les are. Please add `some sitting in armchairs with 7 figure losses`

That kind of hand wringing, off based analysis of an intense situation is what people who don't know or understand what they're doing, do. Do they ? I`m a market profession of over 30 years

So most of what you said I agree with much of it is frothy emotional stuff that completely overlooks the questionable early PR`s that got us buying in the first place.

BUT if it wasn’t for the mistakes I wouldn’t be long at a price I never would have dreamed of 4 years ago , so net net , no complaints from me .
I believe we get stopped and some form of immediate approval ranging from
maybe a Sub type to whole kit and caboodle
I am still buying in `impatient` expectation of us waking up to a $2bn m/c that will get to $4bn in maybe a matter of days where dilution will be a pee in the proverbial ocean .

Foot note : $2bn = $13pps , $4bn = $26pps, $6bn ( where Juno were ) = $40 ( and net jets card :)