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03/03/17 5:47 PM

#24556 RE: OCMillionaire #24555

Thank you soo much for that update!


03/03/17 5:48 PM

#24557 RE: OCMillionaire #24555

Thank you OCM for sharing the information you gathered on USRM. You didn't have to share, but I am grateful for your kindness and generosity. At my age I don't wish away time, but I am anxious to see what is released later this month.


03/03/17 5:49 PM

#24558 RE: OCMillionaire #24555

Thanks for your work on this! Only own 100K but I may need to find a way to get more!


03/03/17 5:58 PM

#24559 RE: OCMillionaire #24555

So CONFIRMED! They DID apply for the RATD fast track program! And with meeting all the publicly listed requirements by a mile, there's no logical reason why they wouldn't be approved.


03/03/17 6:01 PM

#24560 RE: OCMillionaire #24555

OC.. OC..OC..OC..OC...!!! Nice dude...very nice


03/03/17 6:03 PM

#24561 RE: OCMillionaire #24555

I am gobsmacked at the graciousness displayed by OC Millionaire in doing so much DD for USRM shareholders here on iHub....Very Cool.


03/03/17 6:04 PM

#24562 RE: OCMillionaire #24555

Wow....That is some seriously impressive Due Dilligence....Many Thanks!


03/03/17 6:05 PM

#24563 RE: OCMillionaire #24555

Thanks for sharing all of that with us


03/03/17 6:06 PM

#24564 RE: OCMillionaire #24555

It's a definite positive to be part of something as life changing and health enhancing as Stem Cell Therapy and USRM...Thanks again!


03/03/17 6:06 PM

#24565 RE: OCMillionaire #24555


Work Harder

03/03/17 6:10 PM

#24567 RE: OCMillionaire #24555

Many thanks Oc eom


03/03/17 6:12 PM

#24569 RE: OCMillionaire #24555

WOW outstanding work and news from OCMillionaire.. Seeing is believing. It doesn't get more exciting than this .. Thank you OC USRM


03/03/17 6:30 PM

#24573 RE: OCMillionaire #24555

Hi OCM, thanks for the update and much appreciated.
Did you ask anything about the current OS/float count? That one is being tossed up here regularly..

Thanks once again for your efforts and have a great weekend :)

Papa Bear

03/03/17 6:36 PM

#24574 RE: OCMillionaire #24555

That is awesome DD OC! Thank you so much for sharing. $USRM


03/03/17 6:38 PM

#24575 RE: OCMillionaire #24555

OC, thanks for sharing that awesome DD from your visit with USRM at their offices. Much appreciated, looking goooood here, looking real good!


03/03/17 6:38 PM

#24576 RE: OCMillionaire #24555



03/03/17 6:39 PM

#24577 RE: OCMillionaire #24555

I love this! "We will be the FRIST cardio stem cell RAT drug to market...."billion dollar opportunity". Ceo said this.


03/03/17 7:05 PM

#24589 RE: OCMillionaire #24555

Thanks OCM--job very well done. What you wrote sounds very promising!

I have a question for you:

Has the company applied to FDA for RATD status and, if they did, what's the current status of the application.

Thanks in advance.

Go $$USRM$$

All imho, do your own DD.


03/03/17 7:08 PM

#24592 RE: OCMillionaire #24555

Wow!! Thanks for sharing!! Epic opportunity here!!! I like this the best>>>>>USRM

We will be the FRIST cardio stem cell RAT drug to market...."billion dollar opportunity". Ceo said this.

Dragon Lady

03/03/17 7:26 PM

#24599 RE: OCMillionaire #24555



NOT A SINGLE VERIFIABLE FACT in the whole "story"???????

She? SHE WHO??? WHAT THE HELL IS "her" NAME and company title?

FDA doesn't allow photos, LOL !! GAWD ALL MIGHTY, LOL !

The photos are generic, I can pull um all off the web right now, NO PEOPLE IN UM? So where are they????

A supposed company Officer discussed clinical trial results or progress NOT IN SEC filings? LOL !!

It's supposedly "against FDA law" to photo a lab, or just the inside of a damn office suite, LOL !!! I can post photos right now, RIGHT NOW of the insides of world class, FDA certified manufacturing labs and manufacturing facilities, for the who's who of world recognized pharma or bio-pharma companies. LOL ! BS !

The CEO supposedly commented to a private individual about clinical trial results not yet disclosed in SEC filings? LOL !! SURE????

The employee count better match their SEC 10-K, cause it ain't even close to their most recent filings, LOL !


Gawd, what a bunch of total nonsense to me. PURE fabricated nonsense IMO. The 10-K is coming, and it's gonna be a hell of a lot of fun to lay it side-by-side to what this says.

AND, the SEC is gonna sure like the buyout being discussed, since they've not made a single PUBLIC DISCLOSURE to common shareholders that even remotely matches those "claims" being made.

THIS MONTH the clinical trials (PLURAL) are due??? LOL?? WHICH ONES? They never even enrolled the patients as of the last damn 10-K and every 2016 10-Q they filed and their R&D spending has been a lousy $1K a month. TOTAL BS IMO. Again, this 10-K in a week or two, it better match, or this is pure manipulation and the company and CEO are then culpable potentially, like seriously in violation of securities laws.

NOWHERE in a recent SEC filing do they discuss another building being leased? Where's the expenses for that on their last 10-Q??? I can cite the most recent 10-Q, and it says nothing of the sort? WHAT PAGE IS THAT ONE? PAGE 24, 3 months ago, 10-Q, ONLY LEASE THEY HAVE, IS ONE, UNO !

Gawd, just total vague, fabricated nonsense IMO. NONE of it can be verified, not even the photos. WHERE ARE THE PEOPLE, time/date stamps, etc? A dude could have walked by in the parking lot at best and shot those pics. I can probably find every one of um on the web or slice um out of a video, even photoshop "Bioheart" into being "U.S. Stem Cell" as I've seen the outside building shot, during some ribbon cutting photo or something. Just have to find it.

Dr Martin VanNostrand

03/03/17 7:27 PM

#24600 RE: OCMillionaire #24555

Superb work, great news and im buying at lease 2000000 on Monday.

Dragon Lady

03/03/17 7:41 PM

#24606 RE: OCMillionaire #24555

Quote LOL, "The building is super nice and although I got pictures, we were not allowed to take pics inside of the lab. It is against FDA regulations."

FDA regulates photo taking, LOL !! WHAT????? Oh gawd.....

HERE IS A SIMPLE GOOGLE SEARCH for the term(s) "pfizer laboratories manufacturing floor" and then "images" results. 100's of photos INSIDE Pfizer LABS, MANUFACTURING FLOORS, drug fab facilities, vaccine plants, etc*&imgrc=lkFeY0hzuS04fM

One of the largest, most successful, FDA APPROVED (unlike USRM) pharma-bio companies on PLANET EARTH and in WORLD HISTORY.

SHAZAM, they got photos inside their labs, plants, manufacturing floors, every building they own and operate, LOL ! (and yes, they OWN THEIR FACILITIES, as in ASSETS, unlike USRM who leases a tiny little tilt-up "suite", smaller in sq-footage than many semi-custom homes down the block from me, or my local gym). Heck I get industry magazines with entire articles about some latest major pharma plant being built, full of photos, LOL !!

DOES THE FDA KNOW THAT PFIZER put these photos "they don't allow" out on the public web????

Do the SAME SEARCH for Merck, Abbot, Eli Lilly, B. Braun Medical, Novartis, GlaxoSmithKline, Roche, Teva and they'll ALL HAVE PHOTOS of their facilities and labs, INSIDE AND OUT, LOL !! nonsense.


03/03/17 8:53 PM

#24626 RE: OCMillionaire #24555

good work oc


03/03/17 11:26 PM

#24664 RE: OCMillionaire #24555

These 'end-points' they are meeting are of which of their trials? The MyoCell or the SDF-1?

They are expecting final result? No! because they said they could skip further trials if the results are exceptional.

I'm new here; how long has phase II-III been going on?

Nice they claim to be entertaining buyouts and thank you for visiting/DD.

The info she allured to about hiring dozens of people should have been put in a PR/filing vs to a shareholder.



03/04/17 3:27 AM

#24703 RE: OCMillionaire #24555

According to your meeting/post: USRM update March 20-24th

That is 2-3 weeks from now.

Based on your conversation, what do you think the chances are that they would accept an offer and be bought out in the event that they successfully pass the trials (versus continuing to blaze their own trail)?

What do you realistically see happening to the PPS between now and up to (not after) that filing? Wild swings like this past week? More north than south? More green than red?

And what can we expect the day of and after that filing? Major kaboomage? Possibly dollarland (in April, over the summer, or later this year)?

Thought we had ourselves a solid consolidation day until the last hour. Quite a steep drop - sells ended up outweighing buys by 10 milly (14.7 mil buys vs. 25.7 sells). And shorting at 36%.

Don't know what to expect in the short-term. But, I guess that doesn't matter given what's on the horizon. And it's hard not seeing that come to fruition given Form 4s, expansion, new hires, and level of confidence, among other positives.


03/04/17 7:46 AM

#24725 RE: OCMillionaire #24555

Great hard work. Appreciated. Excellent meeting info. When employees looks happy that means Company is doing well and company future is good.

Go USRM >>>

Dragon Lady

03/04/17 9:20 AM

#24745 RE: OCMillionaire #24555


"OFFICIAL" based on what or who, LOL?? Is the company going to go "on the record" that one SHRED of any of this took place? Get it in writing from the company, that they agree with and will validate all items "claimed" as written. AND, name names of company personnel AND name name of thee specific clinical TRIALS (plural) being spoken about, as all their trials have names (same for "product", name the product in said trial(s) by specific name/trademark. ALSO, name where trial sites are located, where they reached full enrollment, which would exceed 100 patients, really more like approx 130 to reach pivotal as "claimed".) There's not a single company person, officer, human identified by name or company title in this entire supposed "story"? NOT ONE person in the ole "photos" of the parking lot driveby? And NO, there's ZERO laws FDA or otherwise about taking a pic inside a building or lab. I'm going to get it in writing from the company if this is real or not. Nearly all the info contained in this supposed "meeting story" is 100% IN CONTRAST to the company's own SEC FILED STATEMENTS, as recent as March 2016 10-K and every 10-Q filing up to 3 months ago, covering the period ending Sept 30, 2106.

I went to the company and took some pictures which will be posted on my twitter. I do not know how to upload them on here after 5 years. The building is super nice and although I got pictures, we were not allowed to take pics inside of the lab. It is against FDA regulations. Here are the points of what we discussed and small explanations of them:

BS, NO SUCH FDA LAW or FDA "regulation" EXISTS. Again, cite the specific FDA code, describing photos being prohibited. Else, get the company to cite it for you, send it to you, and post it, since you "claim" to be in personal contact with Sr company officers, up to, and including CEO Miguel Tomas.

*This month: the results of their clinical trials are due after all these years. They WILL give an update out sometime in 2-3 weeks she said. She was a very nice lady. So for anyone trying to say nothing is coming, rs, dilution etc, I can dispel all that right now.

"SHE" again, LOL ! SHE WHO?? What the hell is HER NAME and COMPANY TITLE? Else, "she" doesn't exist IMO. Never happened, this supposed "meeting" and "conversation". "SHE" either has a name and title and position at the company, or "she" is made up as far as I'm concerned. Nothing is "dispelled" w/o SEC filings to back it up, and I don't see um? Is ALL their toxic, convertible debt thus paid off, as that is the ONLY way dilution would cease? IS THAT "ON THE RECORD" then? Cause the 10-K is going to be released in a week to 10 days, and I'm going to find those statements in there if the exist (or if they do not). That statement says "trials" PLURAL. So the "claim" is that they are supposedly completing multiple, large scale, mid-late phase clinical trials in 100% contrast to their March 2016 SEC 10-K and all 10-Q filings for 2016? Where is this trial expensed in their statement of operations and/or ANYWHERE else in any 10-Q filing for the past 3 quarters? Trials have names. WHAT TRIALS ARE THESE, name them by their specific names. They are diluting and diluting constantly. SO that statement right their is factually incorrect. BS. They just sold 33% of the then total O/S shares as recent as Dec of 2016 in an unregistered sale to a foreign entity , per a SEC filed 8-K. They also owe convertible debt, aka toxic debt to several lenders as of their most recent 10-Q, period ended Sept 30th, and that is and would all be HIGHLY DILUTIVE. The common share count has increased by a factor of at least 100X approx, just since the Nov 2015, massive 1-for-1000 REVERSE SPLIT. Thus the "claims" being made are 100% false and again, contradict the company's own legally binding, duly filed SEC statements.

*She said she was EXCEEDINGLY excited about the way the trial is going and has a vested interest with stock options to buy shares and is well aware of the share price. She is confident that they will pass this trial but she cannot say anything with 100% because that would be insider trading rules/guidelines etc. But she said the confidence levels are high.

"SHE" again, LOL? SHE WHO? NAME and COMPANY TITLE. Else, "SHE" does not exist, simple as that. "pass this trial"???? WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? 1) You stated "trials" PLURAL above, now you state "trial" singular. A company doesn't "pass" a trial? What does that even mean? "pass" what? Define what "pass" a trial means? There's no such terminology used regarding medical clinical trials, and I'm well versed in how clinical trials are conducted and what the associated correct terminology is when describing trials. "pass" ain't a valid term? Who the hell doesn't know that insiders have been getting option grants since they went public and who the hell would not be able to look up their own company stock price, LOL !! Sounds like a statement from a child? MAKES NO SENSE? Like "she", whoever the fantasy "she" even is, just now figured out "she" has options and how to find the company ticker and stock price, LOL??? Does "SHE" know that for all company officer, nearly ALL THEIR OPTIONS ARE EITHER 1) NOT VESTED YET or 2) OUT OF THE MONEY, as in WORTHLESS, LOL?? Apparently "she" ain't really savvy on how her own options work, if "she" even exists as a real person. See the "options table" in their own damn SEC filings, and all the avg strike prices for how far "out of the money" the vast, vast majority of any company officer options are, at this point. Also, tell us how many options are presently vested, and thus can even be exercised. Give the number, else, BS to me.

*Cures Act: Applied under the Cures Act and their product falls under the RAT protocols undeniably! Meaning if this endpoint does well, they can skip steps.

MAKES NO SENSE? You referred specifically to "trials" PLURAL. Even a single clinical trial, phase II/III, even phase I, has many "ENDPOINTS" and criteria it must meet. An "endpoint" doesn't "do well", again, that wording makes no sense per standard clinical trial "language". HOW exactly, explain in great detail, are "steps skipped" based on a singular supposed "ENDPOINT" supposedly "DOING WELL", LOL??? WHAT does that exactly even mean, as it makes absolutely ZERO sense? Also, what happened to "trials" plural? How many endpoints are there and what are they? Name and list them, all the "ENDPOINT" criteria for each named trial(s)? I want to know what they are? Have "SHE" send it, if you do not know. I want to see this in writing from the company. Else, more nonsense to me, as none of it is even worded correctly for clinical trial terminology. Also, WHAT "PRODUCT"? What's it's name? They have multiple "product CANDIDATE" names, so which one is this referring to? NAME IT BY NAME? Which supposed "product candidate" falls under the supposed "Cures Act" and supposed "RAT protocols" blah blah? What the hell are "RAT PROTOCOLS" specifically? What does that even mean? What "protocols"?

* The results of passing: Once the pivotal trial is completed, they can skip the next study trials/endpoints and GO STRAIGHT TO COMMERCIALIZATION!!!! We will be the FRIST cardio stem cell RAT drug to market...."billion dollar opportunity". Ceo said this.

"There's that word "passing" again? AND, what supposed "pivotal trial"?? You said "trials" plural? ALL their trials have names, WHICH TRIAL IS THE SUPPOSED "pivotal" being spoken about? NAME IT BY NAME? "PASSING" WHAT? What does that specifically mean??? Do you have any idea what how long an FDA submission or "REVIEW" even takes? They had not even enrolled patients per March of 2016 10-K commentary. They needed 100 or more to be a) Enrolled then b) they'd all needed to be put into proper blinding protocols then c) all "treated" as in dosed and then d) followed and statistically analysed for a lengthy period of time to qualify for phase II/III criteria that anyone of "FDA" level/quality trial is even gonna take semi-seriously and then a massive, lengthy trial "report" would need to be written with extremely lengthy and complicated statistical analysis involved, reaching likely 100's and 100's of pages for a phase II/III "submission", etc. WHEN did all this take place, between the March 2016 10-K filing to supposedly now? WHEN and HOW and who did the work? NOWHERE in all the 2016 SEC 10-Q filings, does the company show or indicate they hired a CRO, contract research firm, which per their OWN PRIOR SEC FILINGS, they said they'd need to conduct even a single trial on the scale of 100 patients or more. So again, WHAT IS THE TRIAL(s) NAMES specifically, where are the EXPENSE LINE ENTRIES in the prior 10-Q's for all of 2016? WHERE? Show the cost entries? Name the name of the CRO contract firm they're using, or have "SHE" email it to you and post it. Else, IMO, not happening. More BS to me.

*Company/Employees Hiring: They have 22 people in the office working(that is a lot folks) and have another building not too far away for the other part of the business. They are hiring a dozen or more employees for various vacancies.

Totally contradicts their March 2016 SEC 10-K filing, so they must of done a hell of a lot of hiring, which means expenses would be off the charts, and they were already nearly CASH BROKE as of their most recent 10-Q, when in relation to their expenses, even the most immediate due. They used "FACTORING" loans/borrowing as recent as the most recent 10-Q, 3 months ago, to keep enough cash coming in to STAY SOLVENT. They're a GONG CONCERN, so what's paying for the massive employee count? When and where were all these job openings posted? Their own web site has a "hiring" page, and it hasn't changed or had a single job posting since the website "makeover", like over a year ago? I checked all known job posting site, and NOTHING comes up for "U.S. Stem Cell"??? WHAT positions are they hiring for, NAME UM ALL BY NAME w/ links to the job postings. I wanna see um, these dozen open positions. IMO, their damn parking lot doesn't even have space for the claimed "employee count" looking at an aerial view, they'd be using up almost all the other tenant parking space seems to me? They're operating out of less than 5K sq-ft per their most recent SEC filing(s), so which includes a lot of lab space, so where would all these additional employees have office seats, cubicles, bathroom facilities, etc?? Describe the layout/floor plan of their facility, in semi-detail, since you claim you were just there? Where are 22 plus an additional "dozen" people being seated, properly equipped to function in the facilities? Where's the expenses on the recent SEC filings for any major tenant improvements, computer equipment, etc for such a large employee count increase? I don't see it?

*Buyout: Yes. She was not in charge of certain matters but did refer me back to the pacer filings when I asked about it. But it is true. They got MULTIPLE OFFERS. The price was unbeknownst to her but again, refer to pacer. There will be filings this month about the phase results. My guess is guys, the better the data, the more its worth. Simple.

SO, "SHE", unnamed, discussed the details, or confirmed/denied a public traded company "BUY OUT" with some "person" who just walked in off the street, LOL??? REALLY? NO PROOF you hold a 13G filing or similar as even being a major shareholder, let alone holding "insider" status? They require former and present BOD members, aka Northstar Biotech LLC to SIGN FREAKING NON-DISCLOSURE FORMS to even "try and see" any supposed "buy-out" offers, but they just openly chit-chatted with you about it? REALLY? LOL ! TOTAL nonsense to me? BS to me. To even state "multiple offers" is a SEC violation right there. AGAIN, NAME AND TITLE of USRM employed person who made these statements. I want to contact "she" or "they" or "it" personally. I also will of course pass this info to the Northstar LLC attorney (Friedman), as he needs to know this, and of course the SEC Miami office director (Bustillo) and lead their lead investigator in that office. What "phase results"? WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN? Again, statements/words that make absolutely ZERO sense or have zero meaning?

*Pictures: Please go to my twitter to see them. Feel free to copy and post them."

Oh, the driveby generic shots of the parking lot and front door, LOL !! not a single pic with a HUMAN, an actual USRM employee like "SHE" or the CEO who supposedly held this "meeting", not one pic of them in any photos, standing for a handshake or pose? LOL ! Describe CEO Tomas' office in detail, like what's on the shelves or the office of "SHE" specifically what it looks like and contents therein, since they must of had you at least sit for a few minutes in an office for "the meeting", correct? ELSE, to me, NEVER HAPPENED. Right on, will send um out to everyone I know. Like I couldn't get those in about 2 seconds from numerous sources.


03/04/17 7:07 PM

#24923 RE: OCMillionaire #24555

Thanks for the DD. Go USRM!


03/06/17 6:54 AM

#25209 RE: OCMillionaire #24555

....thanks OCMillionaire! Fantastic update and big mm for you!


03/14/17 10:54 PM

#28862 RE: OCMillionaire #24555

Do you know the date of the approximate date of USRM's RADT filing with the FDA?


03/20/17 10:42 PM

#33134 RE: OCMillionaire #24555

Wow now this looks like the writing is really on the wall!!!

*Buyout: Yes. She was not in charge of certain matters but did refer me back to the pacer filings when I asked about it. But it is true. They got MULTIPLE OFFERS. The price was unbeknownst to her but again, refer to pacer. There will be filings this month about the phase results. My guess is guys, the better the data, the more its worth. Simple.



03/23/17 8:58 AM

#34827 RE: OCMillionaire #24555

Have people forgotten about OCMillionaires visit? According to him, they had already applied for RAT before his Visit. Check the dates peeps. Gonna be sooner than some of you think


03/23/17 9:17 AM

#34836 RE: OCMillionaire #24555



03/23/17 9:17 AM

#34837 RE: OCMillionaire #24555

Can someone sticky this the post I'm replying too !!?? I know there are mods available to sticky