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03/02/17 2:42 PM

#77247 RE: Beth0515 #77241

Well... If you took the time to read my past posts... you would have your answer already... however... let me go through some of the scenarios to consider...

but to start with... lets put it in a biblical perspective...

To error is human... to forgive is devine...

so the man made a mistake... we all do...

who knows what pressure he was under...??? or what pressing needs were on his mind in trying to provide for his family...??? or maybe he had just got sick and tired of hearing the badgering and belittling... from... what he felt... was a group of whining... ungrateful... ignorant... common shareholders... who felt entitlement... and wannabes... as if they were the rich... smart... wise... money that was funding... and directing... the companies strategic efforts and future mining operations... so Les decided he'd had enough... and put them in there place... maybe he felt they deserved it... for all their interference... in queering past potential deals... who really knows...??? but all the above is certainly justified motives... for someone like Les... and he was certainly given much fodder...

But what gets me... is once this group prodded... and poked... and provoked Les... and he decided to give them... what he felt... they deserved/wanted... they are now bellowing even louder... and throwing good money after bad... chasing a lost cause down a rabbit hole... how much more stupid can the whole thing get...??? You couldn't make this stuff up...

And these... so called... John Does... that are being convicted before anything whatsoever is proven... are probably not John Does at all... just investors who were working with Les... taking Les at his word... and have no involvement at all... with any wrong doing... but irrational minds... could never consider that...

So there you go... all kinds of perspectives... to think about...
Of course the self proclaimed deputies... vigilante's... will certainly push their bigoted... hypocritical... thoughts and views... being judge and jury and executioner... before any real and hard facts are brought forth...

So instead of... rash and reasonable thoughts... and courses of action... lets watch the social media sights light up... and forge a knee jerk... emotional... course towards... accusations... misjudgments... and wrongful convictions... and never once... taking responsibility for their own actions...

But so is the world...

And for me... I just don't understand... why... no matter where one is standing... why they just won't try to make the next best step forward... whatever the situation... or mess... why wallow in it...???

moving out... and up from it... is where I will expend my resources and efforts... life's too short... and the future too valuable... to not be grateful to be able... to embark... on the next wonderful journey...

I've never seen... where... resentments... and revenge... have bettered the situation... I've only seen them... leave people bitter and dark...

I wish everyone... good luck... and what unfolds... will unfold...

Those who have strong faith... in the right thing... will find... joy... peace... serenity... happiness... and great fulfillment... always...

We all have our choices...