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03/02/17 2:56 PM

#77248 RE: BigBaboon #77247

To error is human... to forgive is devine...

That's actually Alexander Pope (minus the spelling error and ellipsis), not the Bible.

It really doesn't matter what kind of pressure Les was under, nothing justifies his illegal selling of billions of MDMN shares. Just because I think someone deserves to be kicked in the balls, doesn't make it right if I do it. I'll probably get arrested for assault and sent to the clink.

Les has a long history of fraud and theft. A leopard doesn't change his spots and neither does Les. For those that were drawn into his web of deceit and either willingly or unwillingly participated in his share-selling scheme, I hope they have a good lawyer. Ignorance is not a defense and won't be tolerated in a court of law. If the John Does knew what was going on or had an inkling, it was their responsibility to try and put an end to the malfeasance. If they didn't, they are complicit and should be held accountable.

Les doesn't get to decide the rules, smart men and women who went to universities and got JDs get to do that. If he violated the rules, he deserves to be nailed for it. MDMN is trying to recoup stunning losses and make shareholders whole - I think the company is a POS but I commend Kevin and management on trying to do the right thing. I wouldn't be surprised if MDMN turns into a reputable company now that Les is out of the picture. Shareholders may still be screwed but at least the company won't be a medium for fraudsters to fleece gullible investors.


03/02/17 4:00 PM

#77250 RE: BigBaboon #77247

John Does... that are being convicted before anything whatsoever is proven..

Seems like the Does & others want everything to stop before it is proven.


03/03/17 8:48 AM

#77254 RE: BigBaboon #77247

so the man made a mistake... we all do...

This is the most unconscionably credulous statement I've read in my entire existence on stock forums.


03/03/17 12:18 PM

#77257 RE: BigBaboon #77247

"so the man made a mistake... we all do... "

Incredible statement.

He just kept making the same mistake over and over?????????


03/03/17 12:27 PM

#77258 RE: BigBaboon #77247

Les knew the MDMN financial statements mis-stated it's capital structure (outstanding shares) and just kept taking advantage of that fact to enable him to get a better price for his shares whether the shares were legimately issued or not. He claims he was the company rep so he is an insider as far as I am concerned yet he let the stockholders be misled.

I would rather see him in jail than recoup a few shares or have him pay a small portion of loses he caused.

Same for the John Does!