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02/25/17 5:35 PM

#5642 RE: JMoriarty #5633

Great Due Diligence.

I am a long term holder not going anywhere.

I am sticking around to see the Fireworks this summer with AMFIL.

Great Company!!

$$$$ AMFE $$$$


03/02/17 8:40 AM

#6004 RE: JMoriarty #5633

repost. Hopefully next PR advances all these areas

From the Feb 16 PR

1. 47% share reduction on OTC website in the 'Coming Days'
2. Hydroponic agreement 'Coming Weeks'
3. Acquisition facilitate large expanision of Snakes & Lattes '?? time'
4. LOI on Marijuana acquisition on Infused alcohol 'DD process time ??'
5. 3 Snakes and Lattes under Corporate Ownership ' Near Future'
6. Current and Working on finalizing franchizing agreements'Near Future'
7. Snakes Expansion 'Currently Underway'
8. Hiring of a Market/Sales for GROzone 'Promise of PR's/Events'
9. Petition Health Canada '??? time updates'
10. Uplist over .01 ' Weve done a month that's good!'
11. Franchising Interlock. '?? time given'

Alot of 'deal done's to be announced' from what i can gather

Really hope we end the month strong.

Next pr... intention------------>execution !

if they time this out right... get GROzone clicking... uplist and have the infused alcohol acquisition, this could get good quick. .10-.20 no probs.