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02/24/17 1:29 PM

#104276 RE: sharpie510 #104271


Just remember, if you are upset at all about the manipulation of stock price that has happened here, you can use some of the manipulators own tactics on them if and when the price goes north on news. One hundred share lots moving north $1-$5 at a time when there is a scramble to cover starting at a reasonably expected opening price based on platform and not just product validation would get them sweating bullets fast if most of the loose shares have already been squeezed out. I think Xena lives and or TC Trader would be better able to comment wisely on this. Even their expertise and comments would depend on what Mr.Woodford decides to do of course but market makers that have naked shorts would surely want to control the price if and whete they can. Best wishes.


02/24/17 1:52 PM

#104281 RE: sharpie510 #104271

That has no impact, I'm told by my broker. However, so long as you don't have any margin on your account, your shares can't be lent. Once you have taken any margin, they can be lent because you've basically presented the shares in exchange for cash, and the shares are held as security now by your broker, and they are a fungible security. So they can lend them out to make money, while you have borrowings against them.

Once you no longer have any margin, they are yours and can't be lent. That is what the brokerages say, because, securities accounts are trust accounts, when you haven't borrowed against the assets held in trust. When they hold your assets in trust, they have to have them for you, or it's fraud, and a fraud of a very serious kind because it involves a trust account that you have with someone who has a fiduciary duty to you.


02/26/17 10:25 AM

#104509 RE: sharpie510 #104271

Sharpie, I wouldn't leave the precious 300k shares in a margin account. The pps is so low and I would try to sell other stocks or add new money to keep as many NWBO shares as possible in a no margin way so that your broker don't vanish them when NWBO goes north in a few weeks.