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02/24/17 1:08 PM

#3622 RE: robinandthe7hoods #3620

You should read this article so that you are up to speed on the state of things in Alaska if you are going to post misinformation. Alaska needs this mine to happen, both in terms of revenue and jobs. And their Senator appears to be open-minded about it.

Look - you made some money shorting this stock, now let it go and move on. Don't get greedy


02/24/17 10:11 PM

#3624 RE: robinandthe7hoods #3620

Ws shall see, but I disagree, I believe the project will be built. Not tomorrow, but it will happen IMHO> What (65% of the people) voted against the mine. I could take a vote on anything with the right people in attendance and get 100% to vote my way.


02/24/17 11:10 PM

#3626 RE: robinandthe7hoods #3620

I believe that many people have come to realize---based on the results of the last Presidential election---that polls could be unreliable and sometimes totally misleading!


02/25/17 1:24 AM

#3627 RE: robinandthe7hoods #3620

Sadly for those in a short position Alaska seems to want jobs and resource extraction according to a senator from Alaska

I prefer to listen to senators who represent the state vs message boards!

Highest unemployment rate in the USA and substantial, significant deficits and oodles of resources and tens of thousands of jobs and billions in tax revenue means they will move forward

Arguing about fish is nonsense as A) it was an argument and false argument put forth by an EPA official that is now known to have unfairly vetoed Pebble B) also the reason the EPA (which may be axed soon) was in mediation with NAK prior to trump (and ongoing).

Suggest those who are short cover their positions else they stand to lose a great deal of money here out of hubris and ignoring facts and reality