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02/24/17 11:24 AM

#104249 RE: Barunuuk #104240

This doesn't include all 51 patients

First off, the title is on recurrent GBM (rGBM) which is different than the rapid progressors. .... As for the 19, it looks like the 19 are part of the 20 rapid progressors,...

Look again carefully.
The Abstract is associated with the Poster.
The Abstract was indeed discussing rGBM, and those 19 (upped to 20 in the poster) were the "double rapid progressors". Those are rGBM patients.

The Abstract says:
Nineteen (19) patients diagnosed with GBM were determined to have rapid recurrence following radiation therapy with concomitant temozolomide chemotherapy. The life expectancy for such patients is typically poor, and they were provided the DCVax-L treatment as part of a compassionate use approach in parallel to ongoing late stage clinical trials. Median overall survival in this cohort from initial GBM diagnosis is 15.1 months (95% confidence interval (CI): 10.5–17.2), and the range is 8.1– 31 months. "

Now, look at that group in the associated Poster. There are 20 patients, but the range is basically the same. They rejiggered the patients a bit, but it is clear they measured from initial diagnosis.

And if they measured those 20 from diagnosis, I hope you agree they measured the rest of the patients on the same poster from the same starting time.

The times are quoted from surgical diagnosis.

You need to subtract 4 months to compare them to the ICT-107 trial.