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02/24/17 2:31 PM

#349540 RE: Long2Retire #349503

Transvestites have always been among us. My guess is that most are men dressing as women. Have any of you men ever seen a "woman" stroll into a men's room and do potty stuff? I haven't.

In the Age Of Sanity, they probably walked into a Ladies Room, went into a stall, closed the door, sat down and did their business. Women dressing as men went through a similar procedure. What we didn't know didn't hurt us.

Today we are in the Age Of Insanity. Today the loons are making mountains out of what were once, out of sight molehills.

Trannys in dressing and shower rooms Is an insanity! There is zero rationale in 98% of the population going to extremes to accommodate the pervert 2%