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02/17/17 7:31 AM

#129920 RE: Trendliner #129919

BLP has announced several times that it was about to deliver commercial products based on Mill's theories but has not delivered a working product.[8]

Does this sound familiar. It should. We are about to.......

There's a new AMAZON TV show called Sneaky Pete. It's about the lives of con men and grifters. NNVC, BLP and countless other pie-in-the-sky, gold-at the-end-of-the-rainbow, ventures that take the money of honest people by conning them are the real-life versions of these tales.

Gene and Anil have had 12+ years to put up or shut up. No one can be sure that it's a con. But that's exactly that ensnares the trusting individual. If something were an obvious fake it would not work as a con. It's fact but it's not obvious.



02/17/17 10:03 AM

#129922 RE: Trendliner #129919

Having faith in others is a wonderful human trait. But faith without discernment can get us into real trouble.

Agree completely, that discernment and looking at and understanding the science are the hard things. I have educated myself on the science and looked at the evidence presented in both cases (NNVC and BLP) and find that the evidence and science are consistent with the claims and promise of both new technologies.

Yes, modern quantum physics is wrong and not consistent with reality - you believe that an electron can exist everywhere at once as a mathematical probability cloud that only collapses to a location when a human makes an observation? Mills is right: the classical laws of physics apply at all scales, even to subatomic particles like the electron. "God does not play dice," and the laws of physics are deterministic. The "weirdness" of quantum physics is clearly wrong, and has huge gaps in it that will never be filled. It is an exercise in mathematics and curve fitting, devoid of reality and common sense, an incomplete theorem that is wrong and never will be complete. Reality is the physics of Dr. Mills, where everything is deterministic and can be derived mathematically based on a handful of physical constants.

NNVC has created technology (licensed from Theracour) that could revolutionize how viruses are treated. Creating nanomolecular viral traps is not just science fiction, and other groups are trying to do the same thing. NNVC has shown in animals that it's feasible, and now just need to prove it in humans, once they solve the difficult problems of optimizing the ligands and manufacture of self-assembling polymeric nanomicelles.

Rush to judgment based on the belief in the perpetuation of the status quo and what everyone else believes is no way to discern the truth. It doesn't help that there are people who like the way the things are so much that they will try to make sure that new technologies never catch on.

At the same time, nobody can predict the future with certainty. So, one needs to weigh the claims of new technology with the evidence presented and progress made. Sometimes the progress seems to take forever, but that doesn't mean it won't ever come to completion.