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02/14/17 2:00 PM

#5195 RE: Amigo Mike #5194


Thanks for posting this one, I hadn't seen it. I actually liked the piece. Doesn't read like a pump piece, it was too well written but clearly it's paid "research". It may not be 100% accurate but it does tell a compelling story, which is why we all buy the micro caps. Sure, some of it may be a stretch but at least its getting the ZIVO name out a bit. I've been starting to see ZIVO show up a bit more, I'm sure it's hit a radar screen or two since it has had a nice move the last few months. I am ready for something substantial from the company though, that's what will really get us moving. Full disclosure though, I'm probably a little biased on the article because the company mentioned, NBEV(formerly ABRW) is how I got my handle Brewpup. I was big a ABRW enthusiastic on Yahoo back when it was only a brew pub near Seattle. I did the whole visit the company thing and really liked the story. One of the rare instances of everything going right. That has been a homerun for me, unfortunately, there's not enough space on the internet for me to talk about all my strikeouts.