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02/11/17 4:14 PM

#117804 RE: bar1080 #117798

There are institutions, and then there are institutions. It is a very broad term to toss around. Most likely, the underwriters had some go to accounts at the initial offering. I am waiting on a 10K to see how cash rich this REIT is, how much property it already owns, how much revenue is derived from existing leases.

The two founders ran REITs and sold them. Makes them look savvy on the surface. But one must be mindful of the real estate bubble earlier this century.


02/12/17 8:02 AM

#117821 RE: bar1080 #117798

I've said it before and again I say it: The one source for factual reportage I receive in the email about the reefer industry is all about private enterprises and government regulations. It doesn't report on the doings of OTC companies. I do receive emails about those companies. Some attempt to disguise PR fluff by portraying it as actual journalism. Others simply tout (get in now! it's going to da moon!).

Here's a dilemma: A REIT buys a property and leases it back to the original buyer who then becomes a tenant. But if the original buyer borrowed to buy the property isn't the mortgage expensed the same way it would be if it paid rent to the REIT?

I'm reading about regulators wanting long term commitments from stable, well capitalized entrepreneurs. Apparently there is concern about fly by the night outfits. There have been complaints about the high costs for a growing license plus capital requirements making it prohibitive for small timers to enter the industry.

Buy isn't that the whole point of regulation in the first place?

OTC companies claiming to be reefer related in many cases are nothing but websites with images of fields of cannabis plants or grow houses. Or they own scrub land in the middle of nowhere and claim it's for reefer production.

This is where it gets murky, even for a REIT trading on the stock exchange in lower Manhattan.