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08/04/03 9:38 PM

#3291 RE: Zeev Hed #3267

Dr. Ze'ev: Being a Wavoid is not a derogative term--but as for myself, I have been a fierce critic, savage and unfair at many points--so some might object to my claim of being a Wavoid, yet that's what I have been since 1996.

I did considerable DD and intelligence gathering on this company. I was an early adopter and helped many discover the Wave promise. Perhaps I was too impatient when it did not play out on the timetable proscribed, but that is all in the past and is irrelevant now.

This is not a particularly objective bunch--they are very loyal to Wave and its mgt. That's why your views are so important, as you look at this company with the eyes of a scientist and certainly with those of an independent thinker.

Some might label you a shorter and a basher for your questions and comments, but truth to tell, we need more than cheerleaders to help guide us where we are going now.

We have been thru hell in the past few years. Some have lost houses, marriages, friends and jobs because of our addiction to Wave. That may account for some of the passion and some of the angry reaction seemingly innocuous questions provoke.

As someone new to the stock, please give us a complete check up and tell us where you think the strengths and weaknesses lie. Mgt does listen to us occasionally and some great ideas have actually come from Wavoids.

We are a cult, we drink the Wave Koolaid and for way too long we have relied on tea leaf readers, dot connectors and smoke signal interpreters. That's why last Thursday's Intel announcement and today's IBM announcement galvanized us like never before. Some of us thought it was over; that we were beaten, broken and out of money. Turned out, that was hardly the case.

Please give us the once over and share your findings with us.

Sincerely, Bluefang