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02/02/17 10:06 AM

#129546 RE: arvitar #129545


from a prior-truth or "alternative-fact" universe.

De Nile is supposed to be a river in Egypt not a state-of-mind inhabited by investor. Those who remain bullish on NNVC in the face of such evidence is perfectly consistent with studies on cognitive bias. In general evidence against a prior belief does NOT have the effect of moderating the belief. Quite the opposite - the belief becomes more extreme and more intransigent.

This is a testament to the genius of Gene - his ability to create true believers despite the facts.

I will bet that there are still believers in Gene's prior venture SALV, despite the fact that it went to zero well over a decade ago. True believers don't give up.

I will revise my negative assessment of NNVC when there is fundamental or technical evidence of a reversal. Then I will hop aboard for the ride north. At the moment the train is headed south.



02/02/17 10:09 AM

#129547 RE: arvitar #129545

Yeah, how anybody ever thought that Seymour made wild claims about cures is absolutely beyond me (statement dripping, nay oozing, with sarcasm):

And the poster also claims that Dr. Diwan and I make wild claim about cures - Eugene Seymour


02/02/17 4:06 PM

#129553 RE: arvitar #129545

This was from the company when they were explaining why they needed to build their own facility vs. hire out the manufacturing.

Still waiting for the USAMRIID papers to be published...oh wait, never mind, there was a poster that they had up at one of their event that was trying to be passed off here as "publishing."

That and the chapter on NNVC in the book about nanotechnology as if that is what "published paper" sexually means.

Can't make this stuff up, and don't need to, it's better than anything I could imagine.

Anybody ask Seymour id Dr. Moffat has the test materials yet?

Anybody ask him if they've made 2 identical batches (at ANY scale) yet?

These are yes or no questions.