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02/01/17 3:50 PM

#471351 RE: LuckyPanda #471343

or 1 bill shares and the name changes to XYZ, only after that would anything ever be able to return as we would then and only then NO LONGER BE THE REORGANIZED DEBTOR(which nothing can come back to), IF IF IF I am reading the tea leaves correctly, after the merger with XYZ that alone propels XYZ's share price and THEN they could offer even more IF MORE than 30 bill IS THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As a shareholder in XYX and a marker holder in WMI, you get fed on both sides of the table..

As a marker holder you get fed by the purchase of your value or portion of what ever is paid and as a holder of XYZ your company you are now an owner in it appreciates in VALUE due to the increase in assets, or so to speak a win win proposition......