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02/01/17 3:18 AM

#471333 RE: LuckyPanda #471321

What do you mean with small asset management vehicle or small merger?

Gallagher said at the last shareholder's meeting:

That $11 million I can promise you was a for a multi billion dollar deal that we felt was within our grasp that would have fit us perfectly

For me, multi billion dollar deal means >= 2 billion! If it was one of the 3 GE finance divisions which were finally acquired by Wells Fargo (all 3 for 32 billion), it was at least 9 billion (the smallest one of the 3!)

For further information have a look at this post and the linked post:

Thank you Bd. That is what I suspected..which then leads me to the following conclusion.

1) either the Oct, 2015 WMIH failed merger was a total hoax (because, FDIC couldnt have possibly released the assets under safe harbor protection during that time) or the merger was for a small asset management vehicle in anticipation of the safe harbor release in 2016/17.

2) since, the failed merger is likely not a hoax, then my prediction is a small merger before May, resulting in a higher WMIH share price post merger, then offering 3.5 billion shares to the trust at the higher share price for the remaining illiquid assets released from safe harbor. escrows receives returning cash plus 3.5 billion wmih stock

3) I also think they will delay the approval of the deutch/jpm/fdic settlement approval until after Feb 17 to ride out the 5 year statute of limitation for potential hidden asset lawsuit liabilities, for the chapter 11 exit... which means, we will likely have to wait until August distribution for our escrow money. They'll likely use the May payout to finish off PIER