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01/30/17 6:13 PM

#156 RE: Smokeitup1 #154

Also from the 2015 Annual Report:

In October 2014 we were awarded a $250,000 grant from the Colorado Office of Economic Development to accelerate development of a breathalyzer that tests for Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the principal psychoactive constituent in cannabis. Terms of the grant require us to submit invoices as work is performed, with an anticipated completion date of August 31, 2017. This development effort is ongoing. They are included in our Statements of Income as reductions in Research and Development cost. No revenue has been recognized from these grant reimbursements. We received $47,947 and $25,000 of grant reimbursements in 2015 and 2014 respectively. There is no assurance that this effort to develop a THC breathalyzer will be successful or that significant sales will result from such development if successful.

That's the most definitive date from the company that I have seen. That puts us 7 months away. I for one would be thrilled if they have a completed, reliable, tested, and working marijuana breathalyzer by August of this year. Even if they start capturing a minuscule percentage of a projected $10 Billion market, that would be a huge accomplishment for a company with a market cap of around $40 million!