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08/03/03 2:38 PM

#23800 RE: Vexari #23798


To achieve statism (which is really a form of communism or federalism) /1\ a blueprint is needed..

The Blueprint was written in the year 1848, by two men named Karl Marx and Fredrick Engels..

The Blueprint is entitled the Communist Manifesto..

The Communist Manifesto was designed and intended to put everything in the hands of the State, with the Elite in control. (Marxist equivalent: Ruling Class, i.e. The Tools.)

Below are definitions from the American Heritage Dictionary that define communism..

There are two different definitions: (1) the bogeyman; and (2) the plan as applied..

communism.. 1. A theoretical economic system characterized by the collective ownership of property and by the organization of labor for the common advantage of all members. 2. Communism. a. A system of government in which the state plans and controls the economy and a single, often authoritarian party holds power, claiming to make progress toward a higher social order in which all goods are equally shared by the people. b. The Marxist-Leninist version of Communist doctrine that advocates the overthrow of capitalism by the revolution of the proletariat..

communism.. An economic and social system under which all means of production are owned by the workers and controlled by the state for the common good. In most cases, economic and political control is held by a single, often authoritarian party. Economic growth and planning are controlled by a central authority..

(i.e. Socialist totalitarian (so-called) Democracy as established)

As you can see there are many different variations of the definition of . . . COMMUNISM. The foregoing definitional variations of communism stand to reason..

Marx, in his Communist Manifesto, states the following about the conditions that set forth the basis for communism, which are referred to as planks:

These measures will, of course, be different in different countries. Nevertheless, in most advanced countries, the following will be pretty generally applicable..

If you examine the Manifesto you will find that most of its dicta have been applied in the United States of America through various applications of fact and law..

As most people have been through The Instruction, they are largely unaware of Communism's prevailing presence..

Although both definitions of communism are somewhat applicable in the United States, pursuant to the second definition above please note the following..

Economic system owned by the workers and controlled by the state- Corporations and stocks are regulated by government..

Political control by an authoritarian party- Franklin D. Roosevelt (communist/political criminal) said There is not a dimes worth of difference between the Republicans and Democrats (see definition: Dog-and-Pony Show)..

Economic growth and planning are controlled by a central authority- The private Federal Reserve System controlling interest rates/economy; and the faction responsible for Income Tax- Plank 2- Communist Manifesto..

ERGO.. Communism exists as defined by the American Heritage Dictionary emphasis on American Heritage), not as presented by the Television i.e. the Puppet Press (media), or by what you have been told (indoctrinated with) in school (both upper and lower education))..

To continue, anyone with common sense can see through The Blueprint..

It was designed to enslave mankind through its dicta..

Its chief purposes, among other corrupt and devious things, are to.. steal land, implement a private bank, control children, eliminate families, control education, eliminate religion, promote immoral behavior, and eliminate countries and nationalities (which was accomplished by the fourteenth amendment under the color of law)..

The puppets (the ones who obey) know Communism's true purpose..

There are those, however, who truly believe that Communism is a viable solution to the worlds problems. Their conviction is so strong, that they want to be communists!

The sad truth is they have simply been brainwashed by the World Elite to act as an attack force against the middle class..

In the Communist Manifesto, Marx craftily diverted the attention of the trained army (lower working class) and convinced them that the middle class is the problem..

Again, the Look over there, while we do it here ruse..

A totalitarian governmental system is needed (i.e. so-called Democracy) to impose Socialism so that the goals of man can be bent toward accomplishing the agenda of The State (statism)..

Simply put.. Socialism is the control of the people by government. It is all intertwined to bring about the World Elite's agenda of unknowing servitude..

Do you recall that in the section entitled The Product it was stated that even the women have been pushed into a career situation?.

Then, you are no doubt aware that women have been told they have a right to work..

In reality they have been conditioned. Plank 8 of the Communist Manifesto states..

Equal OBLIGATION of all to work..

Obligation means they have to work!.

So women have been programmed to think that they have the right to work, when actually they are programmed to work..

Rights have nothing to do with it. THEY wanted women to work so THEY could extract Income Tax from them..

In the Section entitled The Contract, it was mentioned that the United States of America is not supposed to have a Democracy it is guaranteed a governmental system in form of a Republic..

Democracy (so-called) is necessary in so far as it is the foundation from which to achieve Socialism's destructive effects..

See the quote which exemplifies this fact..

Democracy is indispensable to Socialism.. V. I. Lenin

And further, here is another quote from the author of the Communist Manifesto:

"Socialism leads to Communism.." Karl Marx

This is How the plot works..

The Elite (Tools) have the financial capability of tapping the constitutional system of law (money; lawmaking; attorneys; etc.).

Therefore, they are immune from heavy taxation and other liabilities caused by the stealthily imposed Marxist dicta. Be aware, however, that there are Loopholes.. /2\

Thus, the lower class is taking down (strictly feeds off) the middle class. If you do not understand this logic, please refer back to the Part entitled The State.. /3\

Again, so-called communism is nothing more than a World Elite plot operating in the guise of the State, whose function is to create a slave force..

This is all grandly choreographed to fund the orchestrated debt that THEY created..

THEY are benefiting from the book entry interest created by the fruits of Americans' labor..

The book entry slave credit is then used as purchasing power by the Elite..

America's wealth is being stolen from them via the system implemented by The Blueprint.. The upper-classes also benefit, since their Corporations profit from the same slave-force..

All in all, Americans are just..THE COMMODITY..

Page Footnotes

Federalism. Term which includes interrelationships among the states and relationship between the states and the federal government.
Communism. An economic and social system under which all means of production are owned by the workers and controlled by the state (creature of the state- corporations; stocks) for the common good (whatever). In most cases, economic and political control is held by a single, often authoritarian party (republicans and democrats - 14th amendment system). Economic growth and planning are controlled by a central authority (the private federal reserve system controls the economy).
American Heritage Dictionary.

/2\ Once you understand the law, the loopholes are obvious; as are the applications of the Communist Manifesto as it applies to fact and law.

/3\ To better understand, read Republic v Democracy .