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08/03/03 2:48 PM

#23801 RE: Vexari #23800


Before you are told the whole truth, Mr. Riegon (Cyper) believes that Ignorance is Bliss. If you do not want to know the whole truth, Agent Smith will assist you in returning to OZ.. You may exit ..

It's time to explain what this is all about..

Before the Civil War, the middle class was primarily composed of self-sufficient landowners who was not a useable resource to the World Elite. THEY devised the Communist Manifesto as a means to enslave the middle class and tap their usefulness, i.e. exploit their wealth and labors..

Witness that today, the middle class is categorically working (even middle class women)..

Accordingly, in this Part the final PRODUCT is disclosed. In other words, we will unveil the World Elite's final desired output..

In the past several years you may have noticed that the phrase Human Resource Department has replaced Personnel Department in the work place..

You may have also noticed that throughout America the term Company has generally been replaced by the term Corporation..

You may be saying to yourself, So what.. What's the difference?.

Actually there is a big difference..

The former is private, while the latter is controlled by government..

Corporations are Creatures of the State, whereas companies are generally private; consequently, the owners of companies enjoy the absence of government intervention..

This conversion should be a strong indicator of what has transpired; however, no one thinks or cares anything of it (because they are programmed)..

In the past, labor was privately based; today, however, labor is controlled by the government. Accordingly, Corporations are creatures of the State, and so are Human Resources (as they are called)..

Americans are simply looked at as a commodity. See the term commodity defined below..

commodity. Something useful that can be turned to commercial or other advantage; An article of trade or commerce.. /1\

And (Human) Resource..

resource. The total means available for economic and political development, such as mineral wealth and labor force; The total means available to a company for increasing production or profit, including plant, labor, and raw material; assets.. /1\

And now the documented legal evidence will be presented to demonstrate what is really occurring..

If you look in Title 13 of the United States Code (The Federal Law) under section 1, which defines the Bureau of the Census, you will find the following information..

(a) As used in this title, unless the context requires another meaning or unless it is otherwise provided..

(1)Bureau means the Bureau of the Census;

(2)Secretary means the Secretary of Commerce;

The individual in charge of the de facto Census is the. . .

Secretary of Commerce!..!

So what does this mean?.

The government (The State) is simply keeping track of its economic commodities. Pursuant to this fact, look at the following definition..

SLAVE. A machine or component controlled by another machine or component.. /1\

The changing of terms from Personnel Department to Human Resource Department means THEY have reached their goal and now have control..

Americans are simply Slave Components being controlled by the Government Machine for the Economic Wealth of the Elite..

It is estimated that the federal government has its hands in nearly 50% of the Gross National Product (GNP). Said figure has increased by over 40% in the last 25 years..

In other words, Communism, under the guise of a Free-Market Capitalist System, is now the day-to-day reality in America.. /2\

So-called communism is just a way to establish central control of people so they can be dictated to and controlled by a central source for use by the unseen hand..

Again, the following political rhetoric was a just a method to implement what is now in place, i.e. Tacit Servitude..

Democracy is indispensable to Socialism.. V. I. Lenin

Socialism leads to Communism.. Karl Marx

Again, it was said by a very wise man..

Under bad governments, this equality is only apparent and illusory: it serves only to keep the pauper in his poverty and the rich man in the position he has usurped. In fact, laws are always of use to those who possess and harmful to those who have nothing: from which it follows that the social state is advantageous to men only when all have something and none too much.. Jean Jacques Rousseau

America is just one big Economic Machine generating wealth for the World Elite through the guise of The State. . .

. . . And accordingly . . .

. . . YOU ARE A SLAVE ! ! !

You are not only a slave component, but because you are voting you are literally in servitude due to the criminal activity induced by the fourteenth amendment..

In truth, you are a slave pursuant to the insurgents' thirteenth amendment.. /3\

The 14th amendment not only creates a police state (socialist state=police state); but it also allows the easy redistribution of Human Resources throughout America for use in industry by the Elite, as required by The Machine..

Moreover, this plot allows government[s] administrative agencies to seize property without the due process provided by a real court proceeding (communist dicta)..

The current de facto legal system is a far cry from the de jure (rightful) legal system established by the real Constitution..

However, there is..THE REMEDY..

Page Footnotes

/1\ American Heritage Dictionary.

/2\ For information on how your tax money is being squandered by government[s], contact: Walter J. Burien, Jr. and ask for an information packet on the Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports . Also visit .

/3\ See the new governmental system's 13th Amendment .