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01/22/17 1:47 PM

#6186 RE: Sobek #6185

So how do we do that? And that means CEEK has nothing to do with NXGA?


01/22/17 1:51 PM

#6187 RE: Sobek #6185

And what are your thoughts about this tweet?

"@abrenenstahl @lzwow Austin CEEK is in development, it's not an overnight process. Our goal of returning value to NGC hasn't changed. Thanks"


01/22/17 2:09 PM

#6188 RE: Sobek #6185

And your loonng statement there is exactly why I'm waiting on investing anymore in this crapper stock until or if there is anymore news to justify its existence. I don't trust one bit what's going on right now and Mary did pull the rug right out from under everyone. She can say what she wants but the pps went down hill because of her lack of clarity what her true plan were with this company.