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01/19/17 2:23 PM

#46801 RE: alanthill #46800

Maybe PrintRite will be an add-on. If the consumer wants it, the OEM will build it into the printer.


01/19/17 4:09 PM

#46803 RE: alanthill #46800


There are huge unknowns here. What the market is telling me is that this deal,is seen as a positive. Even without having all of the details illuminated. Highest volume in three years - red or green day. Significant pps pop. Will it be sustained depends on follow up events.

The structure of the deal, the benefits of having the OEM build in the hardware and install the software, the possible warranty issues of installing the sensors etc after the delivery of the machine, etc are all unknown.

Will purchasers of the machines be incrementally more willing to purchase PR3D because the manufacturer is implicitly or explicitly endorsing it by including it as an option?

I do not know the answers. Nobody does. There is no absolute certainty, but I personally believe that this deal is net positive, not only in terms of revenues but also in terms of consensual validation of PR3D and the improved position SGLB has in future dealings with investors or bankers because this deal exists.

On balance, I think it is a good thing. I am neither trying to oversell the impact, nor am I trying to minimize the impact of this deal. It is more than just a single step toward success.

patience and GLTA


01/19/17 5:30 PM

#46807 RE: alanthill #46800

Hi Alan, as usual thank you for your opinion, I truly value your insite. All I can say is as a purchaser/scientist for a biotechnology company ( I realize it is not same field) but if an OEM comes to me saying I need to purchase the latest and greatest equipment and I need to use this software to validate anything I do on this equipment it is very powerful to me as a buyer. Because if I cannot validate what I just did on their equipment what is the point. So I think it is very powerful if Trumpf or whoever this unnamed company can say to their customer and tell them you really should add this software on to the process compared to a third party aka sigma telling me I should buy this. I trust the manufacturer more than third party guy because I have a multi year relationship with the OEM and agree with them. That is why I think having an OEM pushing your wares is huge to me.GLTA.