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Big Brother

01/17/17 4:28 PM

#84 RE: bogblog #83

I'd agree with that to an extent, I mean if your just looking at the loading itself, yeah it looks a lot like you use to see in those big SMA, APS, Paragon promo's back 4 or 5 years ago. However, that's not the case here, those types of promos are looooong gone and have been for years.

IMO instead I think what were seeing here is what can happen when the person running the show is a former top Wall Street biotechnology analyst and has the connections to go with it.

Now combine that with a fantastic looking company, with an extremely strong pipeline of drugs, a $100M nanotechnology/transdermal platform and currently conducting research and development into nano and transdermal cannabinoids(see Zynerba (NASDAQ: ZYNE currently sitting @ $19.50 pps) and I think you'll understand the interest.