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01/14/17 3:52 AM

#826 RE: Edge83 #825

that is a huge portfolio. you will be very happy with a long term outlook. you are young enough to see high returns imo.


01/14/17 10:33 AM

#827 RE: Edge83 #825

Are you trying to Build a Mutual Fund?
At one time when the Pot Stocks were Running I had over 50 and way to many to study and figure out and keep up with but is the Reason I do Options Now. "They are like Penny Stocks on Steroids" I don't know how you do this in your Profession due to the time but I know your Kicking Butt and I am just as Happy for you as I would be for myself as I Love hearing People get Ahead and Make Money by Investing.
I was taught Very early on by my Dad you will never make Money working, You Make Money by Investing.
Out of thos 50 Pot Stocks
My First 2 major ones were ATTBF and TRTC and if I just put the Money into those 2 Stocks or even Better just ATTBF I would have easily turned $10,000. into 2 Million Dollars in 2 Months. We were Making $10,000. to $15,000. a day, a few times a week on Pot Stocks and then it crashed. Look back at charts for Jan 2014 to May 2014.
We were suckered into waiting for 4/20/2014 for a huge run which never came. Luckily I sold some ATTBF over $2.00 and TRTC at a $1.50

I Was, and still am, (I think I am still a member) an original member of Alan Brocksteins "Investor 420" Group. If you trade Pot stocks joining this is a Must, Alan is a genius with this Sector and knows Everyone involved. We killed it on MCIG, VAPE, CANN, TRTC, ATTBF, ETC, ETC,
It is Looking like Canada will be the Play on this soon..
Knowing "The Donald" from his Casinos when I was involved there I never seen him drink or Smoke Weed, or anything, Not Once, But I think he will legalize Pot for the taxes as that could really help to wipe out the Budget, A lot more Potheads out there than you think. My Youngest Son actually needs it for his Anxiety and it truly works.

the cork

01/14/17 3:50 PM

#828 RE: Edge83 #825

Wow Edgee83 - that looks GREAT !! Reminds me of the good old days when a well rounded portfolio consisted of gold, silver, copper, lead, zinc, moly, and so forth LoL!

It actually worked for a while!

When the economy was booming, gold would be down but industrial metals flying - on increased demand. When the economy was in recession, the industrial metals were down, and precious metals were flying - on increased demand.

In other words, the way it SHOULD work if fundamentals mattered any more! Sadly, I'm down to just one. HL


01/14/17 9:19 PM

#829 RE: Edge83 #825

At least you left enough cash to get a Happy Meal :)