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08/01/03 5:42 PM

#2202 RE: SPIN #2164


You act as though you are upset that others had "inside info" and you did not. Let's *assume* someone did. Would they tell a long-time naysayer and basher such as yourself? Your statement of recognition doesn't work here (I'm better than a hyper because I was long and complained...or something like that). That sentence in your post was pathetic for such a colorful poster. You should have just sold, like a man. But you didn't. For years you made everyone else feel like SH*T for sticking around. I still remember your first post at WAVX at RB. You came to the board with quite the attitude. Now you're doing the same. Obviously, you haven't learned anything in life for the last few years or your personality would have changed enough to be reflected in your posts.

Now, lets throw assumptions out the window. No one had inside info. the ones cheering and diverting constant attacks for YEARS from you and your cohorts like TRANCE, DCB, etc. all BELIEVED. They DRANK from the well. Something you prided yourself that you cannot do, even in your most recent posts.

So, with the board nearly 99% arguing and bickering, how can you possibly think people had information they shouldn't have?

You come across a sore loser, much like SWF and other longs who sold at the first opportunity they could. Sure, Wave may be $1 again, but I won't cry about it if it sells off. But I'm sure the likes of you will be here plugging away with your usual antics.

YOu are WORSE than someone short and bashing. You are a long who questioned his investment, who had complete control over his own money, and after things changed, is accusing others of cheating. The only valid point you have is about PJS loan and failed promises. Aside from that your recent posts are confrontational and accusational without merit. You are pathetic and I would boot your friggin ARSE off this board. You've been SPUN.


08/03/03 2:38 PM

#2617 RE: SPIN #2164

SPIN: Are you one of those dreaded lawyers yet?

We had some good days years ago.
