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01/04/17 11:26 PM

#28324 RE: johnnycomelately9 #28322

I'm not overly schooled in the IPO world and all that ...I see that Alz mini ipo they are current shopping interest there any way shape or form..XCLK somehow becomes a part that?..that would solve probably any problem any leder ever had with these guys if they got part of a 50 million $ dollar ipo deal..even if its a super small percentage or there any way this ticker could be used..? or do u think our best hope here would be a service contract with that company once they get it going...certainly with who's holding bulk shares here and also the top of the chain on the ALZMND deal it would certainly be in their best interest to somehow include XCLK anyway get them a ridiculous return...and easily get their lenders paid back...

I'm not sure exactly whats possible with all of that...but it would be

anyone got any reasoning one way or the other why some of the above could or could not happen..?
