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01/02/17 5:01 PM

#46989 RE: PEACHMAN #46984

Marc has never "updated" shareholders on what is going on in over 6 years. The most that can be hoped for is a big splash of Hype and propaganda on the company Farcebook page.

All that Farcebook Hype has proven to be lies in the past. Example 1: Walthers admitted under oath that the company only did $300.00 in business for 2014 & 2015 combined. Yet, all during those years the company's Farcebook page and the board was filled with glowing reports and pictures of trucks coming and going loaded with product, videos of machines and selfies of visitors with itty-bitty piles of dirt scattered about.

It was all a lie. Every last syllable and picture a complete lie. Nothing genuine. Like all scams just enough misinformation, half-truths and staged photos were presented to create a positive impression when the truth was uglier than ugly.

This is a scam. Walthers drove three other companies into the ground, ripping off every single shareholder.