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12/27/16 5:49 PM

#46803 RE: pantherj #46800

Re: allegations MW made that were thrown out of court because there were no affidavits, witnesses or any other form of evidence

One can only get away with saying the above falsehood for maybe another month or two. It will not be possible to post this 6 months or a year from now. If the boot boys really had the leverage on Marc they would have won their case easily. But they didn't win the case. The cases were settled amicably. No one owes anything to the other party. If IFUS owes anything, someone should show some proof. We are many months from the settlement and IFUS has made no payments to anyone.

Six months from now one will need to explain why no one is making any payments to the boot boys. One should already be wondering why that hasn't been happening or started. One should wonder why there has been no payment schedule posted on court records. One should be asking why there has been no sheriff's sale of the IFUS property to pay off the boot boys.

Reason? Because Marc DID indeed have affidavits, witnesses and other forms of evidence to convict the boot boys that was shown to them in the arbitration process. Thus the BB's had no alternative but to settle.
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Darth Trader

12/27/16 10:22 PM

#46809 RE: pantherj #46800

In the State Case, not the Federal, please show me one shred of proof the counter claim was thrown out. I have the full file (minus the settlement) and SA made several motions to either get evidence thrown out and/or have the counter suit dropped. None of the motions were successful. So for accuracy sake, show me anything relative to the evidence getting tossed.

Can't? Because there is no evidence any part of the counter claim was tossed, removed, set aside or anything else. Everything I have straight from the file indicates "denied" in the dullard boys attempts to have the counter dismissed and such. The State Judge would not hear any of it and would have recommended the file to be turned over to the prosecution for investigation and charges. The evidence provided was that clear. It was in fact so clear, the dullards were smart enough to go and hire a criminal defense team. This is unimpeachable and irrefutable.

You keep pointing us to the federal case which has already been omitted. So it was tossed. It only left the matter to be solved in the State case....which IMO it was when the case was settled amicably.