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12/23/16 12:56 PM

#259560 RE: itzgood #259559

Imho,the HOGE is dead. Need to sell this shell or get into something else and relesae some news. But, hell, maybe Bill is on to another new ticker by now? :-(

Frankly, I have no clue who would buy this after, as you say, "no reporting, has been abandoned for quite some time" but some individual is for some reason or another. Or more than one individual who, perhaps, simply found out someone was buying in and others also bought in for a cheap gamble. Maybe?

In any event, all it would take is a good rumor, according to this:

Luckily I'm not heavily invested but have enough to make a good amount of money (for me) if this went over .0005 so I've been hoping for the last couple years for SOMETHING good to happen.

$GRDO :-)